Muhammad's POV

Monday the 19th of August.

She continued "But I did spoke to some witness and that was what they told me, exactly what we reported"

"Is it me or this story keeps getting weird and weirder by the day, I mean it is almost a week since we reported it why hasn't it died down" John said.

"Maybe something really is up with the story" I taught to myself as even what happened at mom's place wasn't adding up with whatever was going on.

"That reminds me Muhammad what about your mom have you gone to her place lately?" John asked, I knew he was going to bring up this conversation but I didn't think he would do it not in front of Mercy.

"Oh yeah I overheard some coworkers talking about how your mom was the woman who claimed to be the mom of one of the missing girls I did not read meaning to it because I just taught it was a random rumour but it seems to be true" Mercy added.

"Well I went to her place this weekend and although she was too busy to talk for a long while everything seemed fine I mean to to me at least the house was as empty as always I even went to my room and it was the same shape at which I left so yeah I doubt there was any truth to what we heard and even if there was I doubt my mom went and posed as the mom to any of those children she might have collected them to shelter and get them back In their feet as I know she does this type of things but that is all, besides she does have a charity organisation for women and children so I guess she was just trying to help and people redefined it" i wasn't lying she was a very nice person and I don't think anyone who gives so much to the community should have to defend their name in public, I don't know what got over me to even doubt my mom for a second but am sure whatever doubt I have there would have a perfect explanation for them.

"Oh there true she is a very big philanthropist" John said.

"Oh I knew it wasn't true that was why I don't read meaning to things I love to hear every aspect of the story but until am a hundred percent sure I don't think much of it" Mercy said.

"Let's get back to work shall we" I said.

"Oh that's right" John said as we all scattered into different directions to go get our hands busy, and that was something I liked about the firm they were equipped with good amount of staffs and that alone was a great deal it meant as individuals we had little or no work at all except for your teams day where everyone in your team would be in charge of the news from writing down to broadcasting it gave the firm an upper hand because each day vibrant staffs that are willing to tell stories tell them and it also shows when it comes to the quality of news we deliver they are top notch, unbeatable and this has been so before I became a staff and I hope it continues this way apart from all that the pay is very rewarding it is enough to fund a lowkey average lifestyle if that's what your going for, but I doubt it can fund an expensive one not to mention it is only enough for one person I think so people with spouses would have to get their hands busy in other ways but apart from that it is very rewarding and this is the best you can find out there I doubt you would see any firm that pays the way they do.

I wonder if all the money they pay to their staffs are being generated from this firm I know this is a well established station, from it's television shows and series to it's news and mode of entertainments that is unique in it's own way, but I still can't help but wonder if it really generates all the money we all get paid and some income for the founders as profit though it is doing well as we are building branches like never before in different parts of the country I still can't help but doubt this I mean how much can you make from selling magazines, news papers and running a channel how much can you make in this computer generation now that everyone is hyped about Netflix and hulu now that everyone owns a laptop, tablet and phone, now that everyone is trying hard to live a fake life what would make anyone come into the real world to watch some news and why do it on your television when you can watch an edited and more entertaining version on YouTube and Instagram in this time and age why does this channel, how does this make all this money? Series of questions about the firm kept rushing into my head and I could barely find answers to them neither could I get to understand anything but at least they pay us handsomely and if they didn't I would be here complaining on how they should increase our salary and so on, I guess we human are ungrateful as my mom would say "give a man food, shelter and a means of living and he would want to inherit you property when you die" I think it was something like that I have forgotten it though.

I feel so detached in reality and for someone who claims not to be indulged in social media and all it's nonsense I do feel left out sometimes, even though I don't understand the needs for somethings like posting your life online just to get a couple likes and affirmations from people that genuinely don't care about it, I don't get it the world is messed up and there is no saving it now.