(Monday the 18th of August)

Maryam's POV

I opened the door as slowly as possible "what was I hiding from?" a voice in my head spoke, "who knows better safe than sorry" another voice answered it as I locked the door behind me.

The house looked really big, there was a very big walkway that looked like a hall I looked around and I did not seem to find the stairs anywhere and it looked like my room was at the end of the hall "am sure before you make it to the other half of the house you would have found the stairs" the voice in my head began to speak again, where was it when I needed good advice or information?

I began to walk slowly to not get out of breath I also did so because of my leg, it looks like I would be walking a long distance before going downstairs and I have to come back here again, so I walked barefooted on the floor as that would reduce the amount of noise I made from my foot but that doesn't seem to matter as the house looked empty to me, no wonder it always took Divine some minutes to go get me food or anything I asked for the walk was pretty long and that was justified now, from the way the interior looks this house might be an estate, not might it is.

But why can't I remember how I got to my room the day they brought me, I can't even remember how we left the hospital all I remembered was my mom coming to see me and the next thing I knew it was morning and Divine was serving me breakfast "it is true how did I get here?" This was yet another unanswered question and I guess it just has to join the line of never-ending questions.

I managed to find the stairs and surprisingly I was already making my way halfway through, it wasn't easy but I was determined to see the whole house and at least know where I live.

I found my way to the living room and it was thrice the size of my room if not bigger, I taught my room was big but this is just magical, the house looked so refined and modern I found my way to one of the chairs to get a quick break as I was panting uncontrollably at this point, "is there anyone in this house at all?" I said do myself, I was busy looking around the room in total shock as I saw a piece of paper on a chair, curiosity got the best of me and I was on my way to the paper before I knew it, on further inspection, it wasn't a paper but an actual book, what could be inside of it? I quickly sat on the chair as I took a sneak peek at it and it looked like a picture book I couldn't see the people so I went a little closer to the book, and that looks like... I took a deep breath of fresh air as I saw the faces in the book it looked like me, I was the one there, I decided to look deeper into the book and there were different pictures of me in different places it looked like this was my life in a book just exactly what I needed.

Who was reading this? I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching me I then proceeded to take the book and insert it between my skin and my T-shirt, this was the best decision of my life.

The house was pretty empty from what I saw, I didn't meet a single human, not by mistake, I decided to go back to my room just in case anyone was going to come in besides I don't want divine to know I left my room, even if she has never asked me to stay inside she hasn't talked about coming out to so I don't know how she would take it if she saw me out the bit that I should care but I do.

I began to walk back retracing my steps as my face began to glow I couldn't hide the joy in me as I found this book, I can't wait to go and see everything inside this book. I continued walking until I reached the top of the stairs I stopped to take a quick break as my legs were hurting at this point, I need to lay down and have a good sleep when I get back into my room, so I proceeded even though my entire body was begging me to stop.

What could be in these rooms, I wondered as I continued to look at the shut doors as I made my way to the secluded half of the house where I stayed, pathetic isn't it?

I gently opened my door and slowly walked in trying not to make any sound like someone was watching me even if I knew no one was I still wanted to be cautious, I let out a deep breath as I fell into my bed, that was nice I said as I tried to rest my legs a bit before I get to hide this book, I don't know but I don't think I want divine to know of this yet I want this to be my little secret so I have to position it in a place where she won't be all in.

Under my bed sounds like the perfect option but she dresses my bed, I can't hide it in my dresser either because she does the laundry, so which part of my room doesn't she has access to? This is going to be a tough one.

*yawn, my eyes became watery in a minute what? "Don't tell me am tired" a taught came to me as I began to slowly close my eyes as my body disintegrated into tiny bits of sleep.