Muhammad's POV

Monday the 19th of August.

"Sir" I responded as I began walking towards him, this is the second time in a row that a higher officer wanted to see me, what was it this time? I carried my lazy ass up the stairs to him.

"Good Morning sir" I greeted as I entered his office, I don't know why they make us greet our elders honestly sometimes I think some people don't deserve it, some elders to be precise.

"Good morning my son" he said joyfully as I walked in, what was going on? I taught he was going to scold me or something but rather he is trying to accommodate me.

"Please sit" he said as he pointed the chair opposite his.

"Thank you" I responded as I found a way and squeezed my ass down.

"So how are you doing?" He asked, which was a very weird thing for him to do since we only had official contact and nothing else.

"Am fine sir" I replied

"How is everything in your life moving?" This was strange, am confused still don't get why he is trying to get in my good side.

"Wonderful sir" anyone who knows me would know that this was a big lie from hell, but I wasn't going to tell all my life's problems to a guy a barely know.

"I see, so what is your position in the office now?"

"I broadcast Wednesday news sir, the rest of my days I spend it in the editorial office"

"Well I have been observing you for a while and I think you are fit for the vacant position" he said, which position I wasn't aware that there was any vacant spot in the office I didn't hear about anyone getting sacked or so.

"I would sir" I replied enthusiastically, I wasn't going to miss this once in a life time opportunity just because I wasn't sure what it was or how good it is, this might actually be my ticket out of that slum I call home.

"That's good of you, what did you study in the university?"

"Mass Communication sir"

"Very good that would be all for now" he said as he began working his hands on his table it was as if he was looking for something.

"Sorry to bother you sir, what position is vacant?" I asked

"You would find out in due time" he said as he picked up an envelope that was buried in files on his desk and handed it over to me.

"Here you go" I collected the file and made my way to the door.

What could this be? I quickly pocketed it before anyone would see me and also wanted to find out it's content, I began to walk downstairs as I headed for the editorial department.

"This is him" a woman pointed at me as I walked passed her and three other staffs that I haven'teen before were talking to her.

"Him?" One of the staffs asked.

"Yes" she said as I couldn't stop but stare blankly at her, something about this woman feels very familiar but I just can't get my head around it.

"Muhammad, do you have a minute to spare" they called out to me as I walked towards them.

"Yes I do" I said as I sat besides one of the staffs.

"Are you sure he is the one?" He questioned her again to be sure.

"Yes I am very sure that he is the one" she said.

My eyes widens as I recalled, now I know where I have heard that voice from before it was that woman from the phone call yesterday, she was the one but why did she come? I asked her to but I never knew she would follow suit.

"Do you know her?" The staff asked me as he saw the look in my eyes and the way I froze.

"No sir, but I think I spoke to her yesterday and asked her to come to the firm today" I replied.

"Good, you may leave now" he said, why is he chasing me now I want to hear her full story.

"Okay sir" I said as I stood up and began to walk towards my duty post for the day.

Why is she here though? I didn't know she would follow this up the way she did, now am interested in the story she has to tell because she did not seem disturbed, maybe she was telling the truth or maybe not and there is only one way to know and staying here doing nothing is not that way at all. 

"Good morning sir" Mercy greeted as I walked into the office, although she was an intern she has earned a small space in my heart.

"How are you doing?" I asked

"Fine" she said as she smiled back, I have seen her since last week Wednesday.

"Did you hear what is going on?" She asked as she came closer to where I and John we're sited.

"What?" John asked.

"It seems like we reported the wrong story to the public and someone who know the real story is here to tell it to us so we can rebroadcast the story" she said.

"Well in that case our news would become something the public doubt, I mean why trust us again?" John added.

"I doubt that is it, either ways we should be responsible for any misconduct and pay for it, the truth has to be said" I muttered.

"I agree, it was our fault that we didn't search deep and we also wanted to be the first to report the news but now we ended up reporting nonsense" Mercy said as she looked furious.

She continued "But I did spoke to some witness and that was what they told me, exactly what we reported"

"Is it me or this story keeps getting weird and weirder by the day, I mean it is almost a week since we reported it why hasn't it died down" John said.

"Maybe something really is up with the story" I taught to myself as even what happened at mom's place wasn't adding up with whatever was going on.