Muhammad's POV

Monday the 19th of August.

The day went by really fast and that was understandable as I could not understand how it all blurred out but here I am sipping a cup of coffee as I turned on the television, only heaven knows how long I have stayed without turning on the television but I guess I should see what it had to offer.

By the way, what did that woman come to tell us again, oh yes we weren't informed of any information but I do wonder if anything was up with what she was saying I did want to hear from her myself but I could have done that on the phone and not ask her to go to the station but I already have enough on my mind to be thinking about something else.

I stood up and switched off the television I walked into my room, went to my closet picked up the key to my hidden locker as I opened it with the key as I drew my chair closer to the desk as brought out the newspaper from 2014, it was writing on bold letters "Young entrepreneur Mr Yunus has been reported missing for over a month now and there is no leads to the story" I sighed at the sight of it as it broke my heart into tiny shreds it has been four years now but every time I look at this I am always reliving those very moments the last ones I spent with him.

"Huh" I sighed as tears stream fell out from my right eye as I wiped it out as my vision became blurry as I couldn't see anything anymore "well that is what you get for leaving my son and I" I remembered this was what mom said when the police came to ask some questions when they were still doing their research I was sixteen years old then and I remembered it perfectly I still remember the police men being confused at her statement and how I taught she was very cold for someone who just lost her husband but I guess that was her way of getting herself around, even though everyone suspected her to be the one responsible for his death there was not a single evidence that shows she was at fault of any sort and it was out of character for her to say something so terrible but she later apologized for it a year later when her psychologist was sure she was mentally stable enough to get around his death, I think for a fact that she has been through a lot because of the way she was very good at keeping calm in the most horrific situations I always taught she endured a tragic upbringing from her parents or who ever she free up with her mental maturity shows most of the time sometimes I can't help but were a hurt child that needs healing and taking care of when I see her but I can't help but think that was one if the reasons she did not have more children she only had me but I was sure she wasn't able to keep another child in her stomach because which african mom would want to have only a child.

I continued going through the folder and I saw some of the things he kept for me, the things I inherited after two years of him missing when the court decided it was time to share his will even though he was a multimillionaire which was all family wealth that he inherited he decided to give it all to a charity organisation which made me and mom more angry he left mom the house and he just gave me his old crusty wrist watch and five letters that's all I have for now he instructed his lawyer to give me a letter every year and so when I was collecting my properties the lawyer gave me three letters as it was already three years and all the five letters that I have collected so far were all giving me instructions which I followed not because I wanted to but because my mind just wanted me to do as it says in those letters, I remember the first one told me to study Mass communication the second told me to school in the north the third asked me to stay away from the orphanage that he donated all his money to the forth talked about me getting a job at this NNB news station which I have done he said he has good reasons for this and I do believe him and in due time I would find out that is in further letters that he had for me, the letters also contained some other informations which was asking about my life and my mom also telling me how much he loves me but the instructions were what I looked forward to not that wished to follow them accordingly but his lawyer who always read them out to me made sure he advised and convinced me to do them he also did check on me to see that I was following what the letters told me to do apart from that though he was a pretty simple and nice guy.

Those were all my dad left me a watch that was already old, and some dirty ass letters he also did give me a box but without a key and his lawyer as always asked me to wait a while before opening it, he said maybe the keys would be in one of these letters and I should wait till I get the letter since my dad would not want me to break the box, I don't know why his lawyer always gets into my head maybe he was filling the spot I had kept for my dad or he just was good with his words since he was a lawyer very good one in that aspect.