(Monday the 19th of August)

Maryam's POV.

"Am up" I jumped out of my bed as my heart began to pound over and over again, what is going on it seems like my heart wants to leave me alone.

"Huh," I said as I began to collect myself together, what made me jump up in such a manner? Is anyone there I switched on the lights as it was already dark to see if there was anything I was missing and to my surprise, there was no one there I looked at my bed and saw my glasses folded in the top left corner and the picture book was still under me as I kept it protected from whatever that was in this room.

"God please," I said as I held my heart in my hand as it continues to pound faster and faster it wasn't planning in stopping even though I am trying my very best to stop it, I sat down back on the edge of my bed as I picked up the picture book trying to figure out what had happened to me that made me reacted the way I did I looked at my leg and saw that it was doing much better than before I was healing rapidly at this stage.

Who could this be? I inquired as I looked at my book closely as I shook my glass not knowing why I did that by the way I just feel it would help me see or something like that.

The house was pretty quiet as usual and I have never noticed it but now I do and it is very scary if you ask me, the house is nig enough to contain well over twenty people by just inspecting it and am sure it can do more than that so why is it so empty at least it should be filled with staffs because I doubt one person could be the one cleaning it all.

*tap, I heard footstep coming towards me as it was faint but I could hear the sound of soft slippers as it hits the hardwood board she was walking on it made a creepy sound like that in movies "I could tell that my gut woke me up so that I could save myself" a random taught flew across my head as I dropped the picture book under my bed pushing it a bit in a way that if I was looking for it I would be able to get it quickly but also hid the book from anyone that wasn't aware of it's hiding spot, I removed my glasses kept it in on my bed as I went back into my sleeping position covering my entire body with my blanket just in case I opened my eyes.

"Knock" I heard I quiet tap on the door before hearing the crumbling sound of the door knob opening l, I knew there weren't looking for me so why did they even bother to do it in the first place?

"She's fast asleep" I heard a guy say as they turned on the lights in my room, this was the first time I was hearing the voice of a male gender at home who is he?

"Yeah, what were you expecting for her to be wide awake" I heard her day, it was divine.

"Well for someone who isn't safe around here she shouldn't even be sleeping" he added, what am I not safe from? Nothing bad has happened to me ever since I had come here except the nurse incident which was just an accident there was no proving she did anything and to me well not yet.

"You know she is not sure of who to trust me or her mom, it must be hard for her" Divine added.

"Wait are you sure she doesn't remember anything at all?" he asked.

"Yes, not even the house not her mom, not me, although I have heard her asking about Habiba once and I just walked out like I didn't hear her she wasn't ready to hear the real truth not yet," she said.

"Yeah, that's true maybe the only way we can help her now is by keeping her safe inside this house as we patiently wait for her to regain her memories," he said.

"Well I doubt she would gain her memory she was found in a terrible shape and I think they found some drug substance in her blood, but yeah we would just have to protect her" Divine added, where we're they both whispering and secondly why are they trying to protect me from who and what? This makes no sense at all.

Divine continued to whisper "Am sure she would come around but before then we must help her as much as we can to gain her memories only she knows what she saw that day that made them do such a terrible thing to her, I mean she was in a terrible state between life and death" what secret did I overhear and from who? Is that why all of this happened to me because I was overhearing a conversation that I wasn't supposed to hear "that's what am doing right now" I squeezed my bed sheet tighter as I closed my eyes even deep, would the same thing happen again if they find out that I was ear dropping on their conversation.

No, they won't right? They are on my side right?

"Wow, so that was what truly happened?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, you never knew?"

"Well yeah I just taught they wanted to punish her," he said.

"No I doubt it was it she must have heard something that they couldn't let go off," Divine said.

Who are they? I only knew about mom so who are they?

"We should leave now, let her get some peace," he said.

"Yeah, we should besides if she woke up and saw us in her room no matter our motive she would still be scared," Divine said.

"Yeah, good night love," he said as they both walked out of the room.