Muhammad's POV

Monday the 19th of August.

Those were all my dad left me a watch that was already old, and some dirty ass letters he also did give me a box but without a key and his lawyer as always asked me to wait a while before opening it, he said maybe the keys would be in one of these letters and I should wait till I get the letter since my dad would not want me to break the box, I don't know why his lawyer always gets into my head maybe he was filling the spot I had kept for my dad or he just was good with his words since he was a lawyer very good one in that aspect.

But it was very sad for someone to go missing and his family does not know if they are alive or not, maybe it was just me since I did not think it would happen to me since my dad was a wealthy man but I guess that didn't matter to the people who took him and if it was money they wanted we would have given them a lot If and only if it was money they were after but I guess it was his life they are after.

*phone ringing... "Hello" I picked up the phone even though it was a strange number I just had to go with my instincts and it was saying I should pick up the call.

"Good evening sir" he greeted, I tried to remember where I have heard that voice before because it was sounding familiar in a way.

"Good evening" I replied.

"Am I speaking to Mr Muhammad Yunus?" he said as she called out my name, what was this and how did he know my full name?

"Yes you are, but who am I unto?" I inquired.

"Okay good, this is mike and I know you might not know me but I am an intern for barista Emmanuel who is your late dad's lawyer" he stated no wonder the voice sounded familiar I did meet him the last time I went to Mr Emmanuel's office for my letter.

"Okay so why the urgent call is something wrong I know it is not yet time for me to come for another letter," I said.

"Well, the problem is..." He asked it seems like he had tears stuck in his throat as his voice sounded weak and tired.

He continued "The problem is we have lost Mr Emmanuel to a tragic accident which happened three days ago on Saturday and he spent two days fighting for his life in a hospital but we lost him this morning and he asked me to give you all the remaining things your dad left for you urgently"

"What?" I exclaimed as I was in shock I did not understand what he was saying, did he just say Mr Emmanuel was dead? How is that possible I know no one has eternal life but still that was weird I taught I would see him in his late years?

"Everyone is also finding it hard to hear their head around it we are all sad but I guess it was his time to go and stay with his Lord"

"I guess it is so" my voice was even more cracked now than his intern's own I understand why he was crying this was a painful thing to witness.

"He would be buried this week's Friday and at weekend we are always closed I think it would be perfect if you came next week Monday I think we should get that out of our hands as quick as possible, what do you think?" he said.

"That would be perfect," I said as he hung up the call, this was really sad news for me to bare but I guess it was the truth no matter how hard it is for me to understand the gravity of the situation I guess no one gets out of this game of life alive.

This news has broken me down and I can't seem to function merely as good as I was before I quickly dropped down the folder as I kept it back into the locker and closed it with the key returning it to its original position.

I quietly laid down in my bed as taught kept flying into my mind I kept wondering deep and surprisingly I wasn't thinking deep about Myself. Emmanuel's death rather I was thinking about what was inside the box and what other outrageous things my father would want me to do and how I would do it since the man that always persuade me to do them is no longer with us, what if in those remaining letters the truth about his disappearance or missing would finally be reviled to me, "what if?" I said as I stared blankly at the wall.

"What if?" I repeated myself, no matter how much I would like to deny it I still do miss my dad even though he was not the best father of all and he barely was at home but he made sure anytime he was home we spent most of our time together, I do want to know what happened to him if he is dead or not I deeply want to know what happened to him and why the police force is making it seem like it is impossible to find him like always there are so many questions I have to ask but there is no one to ask these questions except myself and this empty walls.

I guess everything would make sense in just a matter of time a week or so, I hope all my hard labour doesn't go in vain all my years that I have followed his rules strictly I don't want them to be a waste as I can never become a lawyer again and some of my dreams would never come true all this sacrifice for a man who was mostly absent in my life.