(Tuesday the 20th of August)

Maryam's POV.

"Promise that whatever happens you would get out of here alive, and don't trust anyone until they prove to you that they can be trusted, please take care of yourself no one is innocent in this world bad things happen to a lot of good people and that makes them do some questionable things, please say safe" she confined talking at this point her voice was becoming low keyed and I can tell she is forcing the words out of her mouth, that just hurts me more and more I just can't stay here and do nothing, I can't withstand to see her go through so much pain just because of a mistake that I made.

I moved my shaky legs and began to run as fast as I could, maybe I could run towards the town by morning I would have reached a local settlement, and maybe then I would be able to get real help.

I continued running as it was the only thing I could do to save my life, swiftly moving my arms and legs as fast as they can go and never turning back not even for a last glance at this hell.

It wasn't so clear but I saw a shadowy figure and I decided to run towards it, maybe this could be my saviour maybe the heavens have finally heard my prayers.

"Help" I shouted as I jumped out of my bed, it was the same dream as the other day.

What was that? and why does it feel so real? Was it a dream? Habiba? Who's that? I looked around and found myself raped in my blanket as I was on the floor panting trying my best to catch my breath.

"What happened?" Divine asked as she barged into my room looking worried.

"Nothing just a dream" I responded as I held my hand up as it was still hard to breathe.

"What type of dream a nightmare you mean?" She said as she bent down and helped me rap myself better as she tried to lift me off the floor and back into my bed.

"Thanks," I said as I sat on my bed as looked around my room what happened to me? Was it a nightmare or was that real? It felt so real, I could feel my bones shaking and my entire body crumbling as I hid from that woman, was it all just a dream?

"Hey love I know you have been through a lot but you can trust me and tell me what exactly happened in your dream" Divine said as she was still holding me as we were both seated on my bed.

"I honestly don't know I saw an empty room and I was trying to run for my life from someone," I said as I looked around still shivering from fear as I fixed myself inside her arm.

"You know what I think we should go out for a stroll to see the neighbourhood maybe that would help get your mind off things don't you think?" She asked as she tried to comfort me.

"What about mom don't you think she would not be happy," I said.

"Well I guess we would never find out darling," she said as she smiled at me, I was still a bit scared but her warmth made me feel at ease and it gave me this feeling of trust that I could trust her.

"I find think I want mom to be angry with me," I said.

"Don't worry she is not around okay and she would be back soon darling but not today we can keep this between us?" she said as she held my hands tightly.

"Okay," I said still not sure if I should be going out especially when mon asked me not to but I did go out of my room yesterday and nothing happened to me so I think she is right there is nothing to be afraid of mom is not going to be coming back anytime soon.

"Hey! You would be fine okay, now go get ready and I would go do the same" she said as she held my chin upward as made me have direct eye contact with her as she was standing up, she then slowly let my face go and began to casually walk out of my room like nothing happened.

"Write this down" some random taught crossed my mind and for some reason, I was not going to ignore it rather I wanted to do what it said, write down what I saw in my dream maybe that would help make it make sense.

I picked up a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something on it.

"A dark compartment that was only inherited by four people a man and a woman who tried to kill me and a girl that I was with" was what I write down on the note I think this would help me when I need it writing things down would help juggle my memory.

I wanted to write more details about what I saw so I took the pen again and wrote "the place I have had a very tiny window which was very far up from where I was and also it was extremely cold there I think there were holding more than me and the other girl captive but I doubt I was the only one they allowed to go alive"

*Ding, I heard a loud rumbling sound in my ear as I saw and felt something that felt like deja vu, all I could see and for sure I knew that it was me holding the same pen and writing something similar to things I wrote something on a sheet of paper and quickly folded it in between a picture and a wall as I looked back to someone coming into my room.

"Huh" I began to cough as I fell to the ground Divine touched me bringing me back to reality.