The Rejection

"Lady, we have arrived," Fin stated before opening the door together with Sal. In their hands were all of Rosina's clothes for the ball.

"My gowns," Rosina stated in surprise. She had been searching for her clothes to alter them herself.

"We apologize for taking them without your permission, Lady," Sal stated and bowed down.

"It's fine," Rosina forced a soft smile. She didn't want them to know she was searching for them, or else they would feel bad.

Rosina returned to her seat and watched her servants unfold the dress she would wear for the night's ball.

Fina and Sal held a white ball gown with little rose embroidery at the bottom; the top had gauze off the shoulder, and a red rose brooch at the center chest.

"Did you two make this!?" Rosina stated in surprise. She never expected to see a beautiful dress like that.

"We altered and stitched your white plain gown, Lady," they replied. A pink hue blush was seen on their cheeks while they were speaking.

Rosina stood up and hugged them tightly. "Thank you for your efforts."

At that same time, Rosina changed into a rose dress with the help of her servants. The dress fitted her like a glove; the bottom glided on the floor and followed her every movement softly.

'It's too attractive,' Rosina thought while staring at herself in front of the mirror. Her plan of being unnoticed and blending into the background vanished because of what she was wearing.

"You look beautiful, Lady!" the servants complimented with sparkles in their eyes.

Fina and Sal started doing Rosina's make-up and hair that would make the dress shine. They made Rosina's hair into a long braid and attached tiny flowers that complimented the dress.

When Rosina opened her eyes, she gasped at what her appearance had become. She looked at the two servants and hugged them.

"Thank you," Rosina stated with a soft smile.

Then the bell rang and was heard from afar, indicating that the ball was about to start.

Rosina and her servants went out in a hurry after some retouching. Fewer girls scrambled towards the ball as the others came earlier to have more time to associate.

"Good luck, Lady," Fina and Sal said in unison before they bowed and left the scene.

Rosina took a deep breath and looked at the same greenhouse venue, but there were added decorations for the night. Especially the added lights in the surrounding made it more serene.

Upon entering the door, Rosina already smelled the scents of attraction between the wolves, but what caught her attention was the additional faint floral scent lingering in the air. She was still thinking about the familiar smell when a man stood before her.

"You look amazing tonight, Rose," his soft voice sang melodies in Rosina's ears.

When Rosina looked up, a familiar figure greeted her. "Stone."

Stone smiled and offered his hand for her to take. "May I invite you to a dance?"

Rosina wanted to say no and refused his offer, but she realized that several ladies were looking in their way, similar to men who were aiming to have a dance with her.

Rosina put her hand over his, and Stone guided her toward the dance floor where a music band was playing at the center, and several couples were joining and getting to know each other. This was Rosina's way of avoiding getting asked by strangers to dance.

"Your dress suited you," Stone whispered and showed his pearly white teeth.

"Thank you, same as you," Rosina replied and looked at Stone's attire which had the same white and gold clothes and jewels.

'Is this his signature color?' Rosina had thought, staring at his bright blue eyes, the only different color.

They didn't say a word to each other as they danced and glided on the dance floor.

Rosina looked around and noticed that she was the only one wearing a white colored gown while the other ladies wore colorful clothes that matched the garden theme; some even had extravagant flower designs over their heads.

'I failed to become a wallflower again,' Rosina thought while taking a deep breath.

"What's the matter?" Stone whispered.

"Nothing," Rosina smiled at him. At the same time, the music stopped, indicating the dance was over. They bowed at each other before Rosina excused herself. All she wanted was to get away from the men's attention inside the venue.

"Wait!" Stone called and followed her outside.

"What is it, Lord?" Rosina stated firmly while trying to act like a lady.

Stone looked at her black eyes behind the white floral mask. He slowly stepped closer until they were only inches apart.

Rosina didn't move on her spot since she didn't want Stone to see that she was afraid of his dominance.

"Rose, I see you as a good woman and elegant in a way that makes me crave you. You are very mysterious," Stone stated with a chuckle and shook his head. "I want to get to know you more."

Rosina's hand trembled, not because she was touched by what Stone had stated, but because she had the urge to strangle his neck to stop him from continuing his words.

Rosina had thought he was also a decent man to mate with, but her pride in disappointing her father was more potent.

"Lord, I believed you are a good man that any ladies would fancy to date, but I don't feel any kind of attraction in a romantic sense toward you," Rosina stated frankly and curtsied before she turned her back to leave.

Stone didn't pursue further since he didn't want to force Rosina toward him.

"I'm here if you ever change your mind, Lady Rose," Stone stated before Rosina was gone. He closed his eyes and held his chest. Stone felt a sting of pain from her rejection but kept his head high before returning to the venue to get to know the other ladies waiting for his return.