The Savior

Rosina stepped into the deeper part of the garden again for privacy. To clear her mind, but most of all, to avoid everyone at the event.

The soft breeze of the night felt cool under her skin. The coldness made her relax and calm.

Rosina looked at the bright full moon and thought about the Moon Goddess if she was looking at her right now.

'She might be very disappointed in me,' a smile crept into her mouth with that thought. After all, she had taken several lives in her hands.

Since no one was around, Rosina sat on the grass after scattering her dress to prevent them from getting dirty.

"This is nice," Rosina muttered and slumped her shoulders. Somehow, she wanted to be carefree and gain freedom without the need to do anything.

Rosina was still in a trance when she heard soft footsteps from behind. She instantly turned around and saw Amo, who had a creepy smile on his lips.

When Amo saw that Rosina noticed his presence, he didn't hesitate to run and tackled her to the ground. Pinning both of her hands above her head and stepped into her legs to prevent her from escaping.

"Now, you can't escape!" Amo laughed maniacally and licked Rosina's cheeks to taste her. "You taste so sweet. I want more!"

Rosina's looked at him with wide eyes while letting him do whatever he wanted without fighting back.

A flashback of memory hunted Rosina's mind, which made her unable to function at what was happening.

|"You taste so good, a young fruit fresh out of the tree. I'm honored to take a bite first."|

Rosina closed her eyes, and a single tear escaped her eyes. "Never again."

"Hmm, what is it, my lady?" Amo whispered while grinding his boner at Rosina's thighs and felt pleasure.

"Taking advantage of a young girl is your hobby, huh?" Rosina whispered while staring at Amo's pleasured face.

Amo smiled and licked Rosina's chin with a grin. "How can I ignore a fine lady walking alone at night? It will be throwing an opportunity if I let you go."

"You will be my chosen mate," Amo continued with an amused chuckle while Rosina stayed silent. "You're mine now."

Rosina smirked as her left eye started to glow. She hated him so much that she wanted to slice him to pieces. Rosina was about to strike when Amo's body flew from above her.

"You sick bastard!!!" a familiar voice shouted with hatred.

Rosina lay still on the ground, and her body became relaxed. She knew who the man who was currently beating Amo was.

The sound of punch, kick and groan echoed in the garden until the sound of struggling pain vanished and was replaced with panting.

"Are you okay, Rose?"

"Yes, I am, Lord Dragon," Rosina whispered and glanced at Dragon, sitting next to her with blood splatter on his cheeks.

"Why are you here alone!?" Dragon yelled and sighed heavily due to his frustration. "You could have been harmed by him!"

Rosina scoffed. "I could handle myself just fine." She turned her head and looked at his bright blue eyes. "I don't need you to save me."

Her words gave a pang of pain in Dragon's chest, but he didn't show it on his face. "You said that, but it's the opposite of what I had seen."

Dragon lifted himself and offered a hand to help Rosia stand up, which she took.

Rosina glanced at the side and saw Amo's bloody nose and distorted face from Dragon's beating. "You ruined his face."

"He deserved it," Dragon rolled his eyes. "Amoton Gallo, youngest son of Sir Gallo, a jewelry shop owner. He was spoiled and wanted many wives to mate, and he desired them to come from a wealthy family to boost their small business."

"I see you have done your research," Rosina stated with a smirk. She was fine that Dragon was the one who got his hands dirty, but the feeling that she wasn't able to harm Amo eats her up. She wanted revenge for the sick thing he had done to her.

"You can do what you want with him," Dragon stated when he noticed the dark expression on Rosina's face. "You can even kill him without worry. I could cover that up for you."

Rosina was surprised at Dragon's last words. She never thought that he'd be the one to offer to murder Amo and even cover the case's evidence.

"Who are you?" Rosina whispered and faced Dragon, who had a smirk on his lips.

Dragon didn't answer her question and shrugged it off. "It's better that you know nothing... yet."

That very moment, Dragon had gotten Rosina's attention. She was now curious about his identity and background.

'This man is not an ordinary wolf,' Rosina thought, toughening herself, and glanced back at Amo's unconscious body.

"I'll decline your offer, Lord. I don't want to taint my hands with a blood of a...peasant," Rosina stated and smiled at Dragon. "But I assure you that I'll keep silent about this matter. His life will be in your hands."

"My... you want me to shoulder the responsibility. Well, I don't mind, but nothing in this world is free," Dragon smirked and went closer to Rosina. "You need to pay."

"How much will it be?" Rosina confidently spoke in front of his face. She didn't have problems financially even though her family was struggling.

"Ha!" Dragon laughed loudly while clutching his stomach. "You really amused me, Lady Rose."

Rosina only stared at Dragon until he finished laughing and wiping the tears of joy from his eyes. "Are you done now?"

Dragon face turned serious as he cleared his throat twice. "Do you like to become my mate?"

"Absolutely not!" Rosina replied faster with a look of disgust.

Dragon nodded his head in understanding. "I understood. Then, I have an offer that will benefit you and me regarding this mating event that clearly ruined our mood. Do you like to hear about it, Lady Rose?"