The Gossip for Rose

"They won't," Rosina whispered and wiped Felissa's tears. "Try not to think about them. For now, let's enjoy this tea before it gets cold."

"O-okay," Felissa smiled and fixed herself before sipping her tea and tasting the biscuits. "It's delicious!"

The rest of the afternoon, Rosina and Felissa talked nonsense and had fun together. Throughout the conversation, Rosina noticed that Felissa liked to gossip and somehow knew a lot of stuff around her pack.

"And then, I heard some murmurs here around the palace. About some male wolves who had gone missing!" Felissa leaned forward to whisper the gossip she had heard circulating among the werewolves.

"What!?" Rosina nearly spitted the tea she had drank. Her eyes bulged, and she could only think of Dragon with Amo's unconscious body.

"And I heard that the reason for his disappearance was because she assaulted a she-wolf. It was a very rude move," Felissa scoffed and rolled her eyes. Her mood lightened up when she started gossiping since she enjoyed doing it.

"It was just gossip, but I won't be surprised if it was real," Rosina muttered while sipping her tea. She glanced at Felissa's back and saw her two servants walking toward them.

"I wish that old man would go missing too," Felissa gritted her teeth due to anger. "Sigh, let's not talk about them. It will ruin my mood."

"Okay," Rosina giggled. "I think it's getting late. We'll have the last ball later at night," she looked at the sky, which was getting darker.

Felissa looked up and realized that it was getting late. "I apologize for getting much of your time today."

"No worries. I enjoyed our time together, but we need to get back to our room and get dressed," Rosina smiled and stood up just in time for her servants to arrive. "Come with us. We had the same hallway anyway."

"Okay," Felissa agreed and went beside Rosina as they walked back toward their building.

The garden was deserted at that hour since everyone was preparing themselves to dress nicely to get a mate for the very last ball. Although, few men were around chatting with one another.

Rosina took Felissa's hand, pulled her, and fastened the pacing when she noticed those men were about to approach them.

"What's the matter, Rose?" Felissa asked when she got dragged. She didn't know what was happening since she was focused on Rosina's back side since she found it alluring.

"Nothing. We just need to hurry," Rosina muttered, looking back at her with a smile. She didn't want to bother talking to those men, and she was with Felissa, who had just gotten out from the abuse.

When they reached their floor. The servants greeted them before they turned to their hallway.

"Where was your room?" Rosina asked so that she could bring Felissa there.

"Oh, room nine," Felissa answered and pointed at the next door. "Where's yours?"

"At the back, room 12," Rosina stated and stopped at Felissa's room.

Felissa's smile dropped as she stared at Rosina from head to top. "Pack rank #12?"

"Yes," Rosina answered. She noticed the change in Felissa's facial expression and thought there might be something that she didn't know. "Is there something wrong?"

Felissa didn't answer and only stared at Rosina's eyes with wide eyes and mouth hung open.

Rosina snapped her fingers in front of Felissa's face to get her soul back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Ah! Yes, I am fine. I just can't believe that you're the daughter of the Palecrest pack," Felissa stated and laughed awkwardly.

"I'm kinda curious what makes you that surprised. May I know why?" Rosina stated with a smile. She wanted to know how other packs perceived her as an Alpha's daughter, but she had already gotten a hint about the gossip surrounding her name.

"Rosina Greco, firstborn daughter of Alpha Greco. I heard gossip that you are a very weak wolf and your parents sent you away when you have gone crazy—" Felissa put a hand over her mouth to stop herself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Felissa felt little when she felt the change in Rosina's aura. She took a step back to have space to breathe since the atmosphere was suffocating her.

"I'm sorry," Felissa repeated those words and lowered her head to show that she submitted to Rosina. She couldn't keep her eyes on Rosina since she radiated dominance and power that she hadn't experienced before.

Felissa felt that she was prey in front of a predator.

Felissa closed her eyes when Rosina stepped forward. She expected she would be slapped, but a gentle pat was felt on her head.

"You should go and prepare for tonight's ball," Rosina stated and ruffled Felissa's hair before she left and went to her room.

Felissa was stunned at the gentle manner and watched Rosina's back. "Thank you again, Lady Rose. I'll see you later at the ball."

Rosina raised her hand to acknowledge Felissa's words. Sal and Fina remained silent and looked at one another. They were curious about what Felissa had stated but did not dare to question Rosina. After all, they didn't see Rosina as a weak she-wolf and rather the complete opposite.

The two servants opened the door and let Rosina inside.

"Lady, I'll prepare and deliver your dinner," Fina stated and bowed before she exited the room, which left Sal alone.

"I'll prepare your bath, Lady," Sal stated and went to the bathroom.

Rosina didn't say anything. She stared out the window and looked at the trees dancing by the wind. Her mind went back to the words that Felisa had stated.

Her parents kept the real reason for her departing the pack years ago to prevent damaging their reputation.

"Ha! I'm crazy, huh," Rosina muttered with a scoff. She didn't expect that would be the circulating gossip surrounding her name. Her left eye glowed brightly when her anger surged up, and the bloodlust rose stronger.

The emotion that Rosina tried to suppress has now reached the limit.