The Third Day

Since it would be the last masquerade ball before the day of formal introduction without the mask. Everyone was busy making themselves look fabulous to gather the attraction of the opposite genders.

"Lady, you look fantastic," Sal exclaimed after she finished putting the red rose ornament on Rosina's head.

Rosina looked at her reflection in the mirror. "These look lovely, thank you."

Rosina stood up, and her bright red ball gown glided on the floor. The dress is a voluminous off-the-shoulder tiered ball gown, accessorized with a matching headpiece, opera gloves, earrings, and shoes. She wore her hair in a half-up style.

Fina took the customized mask and helped put it over Rosina's face for the finishing touch.

"You will gather attention at the ball, Lady."

"It's because of the talent you two have," Rosina faced her servants and kissed them on the forehead before leaving the room.

They were usually late for the ball's schedule, and the program was already starting. The venue was inside the palace ballroom and decorated with black, white, and yellow that matched the night's starry sky.

The door opened for Rosina's arrival. Everyone looked to see who it was, and she could hear several gasping at her entrance.

Rosina took a deep breath and scanned the crowd for Dragon, but it was tough to search for him when a group of men went her way and asked for a dance. She had caught their attention due to the way she dressed. She was the only one wearing a bright-colored gown while the rest wore dark colors.

After rejecting all dance offers, Rosina went toward the side to avoid lusty stares from men, but she received glares from women instead. As she was walking by, she smelled a familiar scent.

Rosina glanced back and saw Allegra's figure along with her two minions. They were standing at the side while overlooking some men across them. Rosina shrugged them off but caught a glimpse of a man beside them, and his appearance matched Felissa's description.

'That must be the man,' Rosina thought and turned back to approach him when a figure stood before her.

"You have finally arrived, Lady Rose."

Rosina looked up and saw a man dressed in a black jacket, pants with a gold stripe at the side, a red belt, black boots, and opera gloves.

"Lord Dragon," Rosina whispered and curtsied. She felt pleased that Dragon went to her, but he came at the wrong time.

Dragon smiled and extended his hand for Rosina to take. Everyone was looking at them from both genders.

Rosina forced a smile and took Dragon's hand. He guided her toward the dance floor and went into the line to start the dance.

Rosina glanced back to the old man, who was staring in a specific direction. She followed it and saw a familiar woman squirming at the center and blending into a crowd for protection.

'Felissa!' Rosina's eyes bulged when she saw her in an uncomfortable stature.

"Your mind seems to be somewhere else, Lady," Dragon sweetly whispered in Rosina's ear when the dance started.

Rosina ignored his statement and looked at his bright blue eyes. She leaned closer and whispered into his ears. "I heard some rumors about a missing wolf around here."

Dragon scoffed and chuckled at what Rosina said. He twirled her around and pulled her back even closer to his body. The spark ignites between them while they try not to make it obvious.

"Hmm, I don't know about that," Dragon stated with a grin. It was evident that it was his work.

"What happened to him?" Rosina whispered. Her eyes showed curiosity and excitement.

Seeing her reaction. Dragon leaned closer where their faces were inches apart. He stared into her eyes while whispering his words very slowly.

"I killed him, Lady Rose."

Rosina's eyes widen. She searched for any sign that Dragon might be joking with her, but his eyes spoke honesty and truth.

Dragon thought that she would be shocked or disgusted with what he did. He expected her to push him away or scream that he was a murderer, but he was the one stunned at Rosina's reaction.

Rosina smirked and giggled. She looked back at his eyes with a wide grin. "I would love to hear how you killed him, but let's schedule that later. I have someone to protect against some stup*d old man."

Rosina glanced to the side where the old man was dragging Felissa out of the palace, and his sister was making sure no one would see what they did.

Dragon followed her gaze and hinted at what was happening. He guided her out of the dance. "Go. I'll meet with you later."

Rosina smiled and curtsied before she rushed outside the ballroom. "Where are they!?" she gritted her teeth while looking around.

Rosina calmed herself and enhanced all her senses to find any clues to their location. It didn't take long when her ears got a hold of muffled sounds from the left side. She didn't waste any second before running toward the source.

'Felissa, wait for me,' Rosina thought, fastening her pace. The more she got closer, the louder the voices became.

Her eyes glowed for a few seconds, and she had a more comprehensive range of eyesight to have a glimpse of any figure around. When she turned to the side, she saw the old man slapping Felissa on the cheeks and pinning her against the wall.

The scene that Rosina saw made her blood boil, and she sprinted toward them. Before the old man could notice her presence, Rosina jumped and kicked his neck to the side, and his body glid away from the impact.

"La-lady," Felissa muttered while falling down from the ground. Her mask was destroyed, and her face was bare for Rosina to see. Her pretty blue gown was ripped on the chest and shoulder area. The evidence of sexu@l harassment.

Rosina was devastated when she saw Felissa's appearance. She tore a cloth from her gown and used it to cover Felissa's bare skin. She didn't say a word and turned her attention back to the old man groaning in pain.