The Old Man's Intention

"You dare lift your hand to hit a noble lady, peasant!" Rosina stated each word with hatred as she walked closer to the old man, who only scoffed at her.

"That girl is already tainted by me. Nobody will want to marry damaged goods, HAHA!" Amato, the old man, laughed while dusting himself.

"What did you say?" Rosina muttered in disbelief. She scoffed and laughed so loud that her voice echoed in the area.

Amato looked at her with furrowed brows. He was confused at Rosina's unusual reaction to what he had said.

Rosina calmed herself and wiped away the tears from too much laughing. Then her face became serious in an instant, and she glared at Amato.

"You think everyone will believe you tainted her with your disgusting hand?" Rosina stated angrily, but a wide grin was plastered on her lips.

"Of course. Now, she's mine to marry," Amato spoke with pride and fixed his worn suit. "I will take her to the King and Queen tomorrow for our engagement."

Rosina didn't say a word. She returned to Felissa, who was sitting on the ground, trembling from the fear and trauma she had encountered and the possible future she would live in.

Felissa looked at Rosina with dead eyes. The joyful glow vanished and was replaced with emptiness.

"I'm sorry," Rosina whispered before hitting Felissa's neck to make her unconscious.

"What did you do!?" Amato yelled when he saw Felissa's body drop to the ground.

Rosina turned around and faced Amato with her left eye glowing. She sprinted in front of his face and held his neck tightly.

"Nobody will know what happened when you die," Rosina laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to bury your sister next to you."

Amato's eyes widened, and he tried to speak, but the hold on his neck was so tight that air and blood couldn't circulate on his body.

Before Amato was about to die, Rosina let go and threw him against the tree.

"Ack!" Amato groaned in pain and massaged his neck. His eyes were blurry, but he saw Rosina's figure walking toward him. He forced himself to shift, but his wolf was unresponsive.

"Your wolf can't help you," Rosina stated in a singsong and extended her sharp claws on her right hand. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to make it as pain-free as possible."

Rosina lowered herself to match Amato's head. He was trying to crawl away from her with all his strength.

"But a peasant like you don't deserve a painless way to die. I'll make sure to make you feel every flesh being yanked in your body," Rosina giggled and licked her claws while strutting toward Amato.

Rosina was about to strike when she heard a gallop from afar. She retreated her claws and stepped away when she smelled a familiar scent.

"A lady should not dirty her hands with peasant blood," Dragon stated when he saw Rosina in front of Amato. His eyes then glanced at Felissa's unconscious body. That was enough for him to analyze what had happened.

"And a decent man should not force a lady if she didn't want him," Dragon added with a laugh. He went down from the horse and stridden toward Rosina, but before he could say a word. Amato crawled and clung to his leg.

"Lord, please help me. This woman was trying to kill me. She's a monster!" Amato cried out loud and pointed to Rosina with his index finger. "Please arrest her."

Dragon sighed and looked down at him. "Why are you here in the darkest part of the palace garden?"

"I— I'm here with my mate!" Amato yelled. He lifted himself and stood behind Dragon to make him his shield if Rosina threatened his life again.

Dragon looked at Felissa and saw the ripped part of her dress. His eyes glanced at Rosina, who remained calm and stayed silent. He faced Amato and held his shoulder.

"I see, and this lovely woman in red interrupted your time with your mate?" Dragon asked with a playful smile.

Amato nodded his head. "And she was trying to kill me. She's dangerous!"

'Is this true, Lady?" Dragon turned to Rosina and chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

"I'm a fine lady. I could not even hit a tiny bug with my bare hands," Rosina stated softly and gave a small smile.

"She's lying! She— "

Amato yelled but stopped his words when Dragon looked back at him with a smirk.

Dragon tapped Amato's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "As much as I want to dig into this problem. I'm a lady's man and always on their side.

Amato's eyes widened with fear when he saw the hint of bloodlust in Dragon's eyes in a flash. He was about to speak, but his tongue could not move, and his body became heavy that his legs gave in.

An extreme pain was felt on Amato's right shoulder where Dragon held him.

Amato tried to scream for help and struggled to escape, but no matter how his brain commanded, his body remained unmovable as if it wasn't his own body to control.

Amato's eyes droopy, and the last thing he saw was Dragon and Rosina smirking at him before losing consciousness.

Silence fell between Rosina and Dragon as they watched Amato's body. Rosina took out a handkerchief and covered her nose since she was disgusted by Amato's body scent.

"I apologize for what happened, Lady Rose," Dragon stated and winked at her. "But your problem is now solved by me."

"I don't need your help," Rosina stated and crossed her arms. "Why are you even here?"

"I like when you are this fierce," Dragon commented and stared at her red-colored lips.

Rosina rolled her eyes, turned away, and walked toward Felissa.

"I told you earlier that I'll meet with you. I can't just let a fine lady go out alone at this nighttime," Dragon chuckled and slightly kicked Amato's body, and his bulging stomach jiggled, making Dragon cringe.

"Besides, we have yet to talk about the contract I offered you," Dragon added, which gathered Rosina's attention.