The Meeting of Orso

Rosina looked at the poster on the bulletin board in the city of the Sabrecrown pack. 

"Ah, they should have drawn my nose right," Rosina muttered with dissatisfaction. She tore the poster away and put it in her bag. 

Rosina pulled down her hood to cover her face as she walked in the street full of knights lurking around. Since what had happened in the last two days in the Sabrecrown Palace's dungeon, her name was spread throughout the pack as 'Wanted', and the reward was a box full of gold coins.

'Well, at least I'm not that cheap,' Rosina thought with a hum. She was satisfied with the number of gold on her head.

As she was strolling, a knight went in front of her and stopped her from walking. 

"Miss, let me see your face now," the knight stated firmly, not letting Rosina get away.

"Y-yes," Rosina stuttered and yelped as an act. She removed her hood and showed her face.