The Pan's Effectiveness

Rosina grumbled in the shower upon remembering how Orso rejected her back in Heaven's Tavern upon knowing that she was, in fact, Draco's wife.

Although, Rosina was thankful that Orso gave shelter in her head. She didn't need it since she originally planned to return in the 12th pack after she was done.

'I want his c0ck!' Rosina thought and glared at the wall as if it was Orso. She was pissed that she got rejected with sex, which hurt a small portion of her pride.

Aside from that, Rosina has been h0rny lately, and she needed to supply her energy with c^m. Her mind went to think about Draco, but she shrugged it off.

"I don't need him anymore," Rosina muttered and sighed deeply. She didn't want her body to get used to consuming Draco's c^m. She wanted to gain momentum back at f^cking different men each time.