The Every Inch of Her

The next day, Rosina watched the men working their best to create metal armors to protect themselves. She was sipping her warm milk and sighed in satisfaction.

"Rosina?" a familiar voice called her name.

Rosina turned around and saw Natale approaching. Behind her was Silvio, who bowed in respect.

"What's the matter?" Rosina asked with squinted eyes. She knew Natale had isolated herself in the darkness while crying each hour.

"I came to see you," Natale replied and glanced at Silvio.

"Silvio, leave us for a while," Rosina stated, which Silvio followed and went out of the room.

"Is there something wrong?" Rosina asked and looked back outside the window.

"Draco talked to me about their plan. You're staying here in the pack?" Natale asked hopefully.

"No, I'll be going back to the 13th pack. You will stay here with Silvio to guard the 12th pack," Rosina replied flatly.