The S3x in the Forest

Draco gazed at Rosina's flower with adoration. He couldn't believe a day would come when he could f^ck Rosina with all he wanted.

"Draco~" Rosina breathed out while staring at Draco. The sight of him below her was increasing her arousal.

Draco looked up with a smirk. He leaned forward and licked Rosina's stomach, teasing her.

"Ah!" Rosina's mouth hung open since Draco looked sexy. "Stop teasing," she pouted.

"I can't stop," Draco replied and licked her belly button. "After all, you're so tasty," he added.

Draco moved downward where the entrance to Rosina's paradise was located. He grabbed her legs and spread them apart for better access.

"Ugh, you smell nice down here," Draco muttered with a growl of pleasure. His wolf was yelping inside him and wanted to taste Rosina as soon as possible.

Rosina didn't say anything since she was focused on maintaining her knees straight, or she would collapse from too much pleasure.