The Hot Milk Inside Me

The spark burst inside them like wildfire that burned their entire body. The bond tightened and strengthened between them.

Draco was speechless by what Rosina stated. He couldn't believe he would hear those words coming from her mouth.

"But you know what will happen if I did, Rosina," Draco stated in hesitation. He didn't want to take advantage of Rosina if she was consumed by lust to decide something crucial.

"Yes, I do, but I mean what I said," Rosina said with a sincere smile. She knew the consequences of her actions, but she didn't want to overthink ahead of time. All she wanted was to get as much energy as possible for her plan to succeed.

"Okay," Draco replied with a nod. He pulled out his c0ck since it had gotten softer from their conversation and started f@pping it.

"Ugh, I need to make it hard again," Draco whispered while staring at Rosina's @ss.