The Dareful Talk

Fabio's eyes widened at Felissa's words. He never thought that Felissa might have found her mate or she was someone's mate waiting to be discovered. 

"Haha… HAHAHA!" Fabio laughed loudly in amusement. His eyes looked crazy while leaning closer to Felissa. "But where is your mate? I don't see anyone claiming you!" he added.

"If no one claims me this time. Then I'll try to wait for another year for the next event. Who knows, I might be able to meet him soon," Felissa replied firmly, but her face showed a gentle smile. She had difficulty maintaining pleasing elements, but Fabio drove her mad.

Felissa couldn't understand how Fabio's mind worked to think like that.

"Hah! Ah! Don't worry about your mate, Lady Felissa. I'm sure he will get a second chance, mate, from the Moon Goddess," Fabio replied with a lopsided smile.

"Do I need to tell it straight to your face, Lord Fabio?" Felissa stopped moving and broke the coordination of the dance.