The D1ckhead [Reward Chapter]

Rosina saw in her peripheral vision that Felissa was dragged by Fabio away from the crowd. She could sense that her friend was in trouble, but she couldn't get away and follow them since it would look suspicious.

"Is something wrong?" Draco asked when he noticed Rosina's troubled expression.

"Hmm, seems like our rules are not taken seriously by others, and they still want to do political marriages," Rosina stated and raised an eyebrow. She was expecting something like that to happen. After all, it was harder for some wolves to cope.

"Haha! I'm not even surprised," Draco laughed in amusement. He took it lightly since he didn't want to swell into Rosina's plans and decisions regarding the Mating Event. All he needed to do was support her on the side. "So, do you know several of them?" he asked.

"I believe your quick observation skills have caught up something," Rosina grinned since she was always amazed by Draco's quickness to catch what was happening.