The Unwanted Guest

Felissa took a deep breath. She was standing at the door to the other room, wearing a new dress that Vanda had given her. It was the same green pastel colored gown, but the design was different. It covered most of her skin.

"I got this!" Felissa encouraged herself but couldn't understand why she was sent to that room. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door opened and revealed a private room where mates were seated to one another, but Rosina was not in sight.

"Lady Felissa, please come this way," Silvio stated, gesturing toward an empty chair at the side.

Felissa stared at the man. She was familiar with his face but couldn't pinpoint where she had seen him. Shrugging it off, she focused on what would gonna happen.

"Umm, Sir, what is this place?" Felissa whispered to Silvio. She didn't know anyone inside since they were all commoners.