The Kiss On The Lips

Felissa's body was shaking. Her mind was blank while staring at the floor. She couldn't utter a single word since her tongue was stuck. 

It didn't take Rosina long before realizing that Fabio had been terrorizing Felissa.

"Why?" Rosina asked and crossed her arms. 

"Ah, well. We want to get married as fast as possible. I adore my mate so much," Fabio stated loudly and hugged Felissa's waist, making her squeak in shock. 

"Interesting. Lady Felissa said that she doesn't have a mate," Rosina replied with a raised eyebrow. She could end the conversation by rejecting Fabio's marriage proposal, but she was concerned that he wouldn't leave Felissa alone.

"Haha! She's just nervous. After all, she won't come here if she's unmated, right?" Fabio stated and pinched Felissa's side to force her to say something, but Felissa remained silent.