The Itch On Her Flower

Vicenzo's hands went into Felissa's back as he trailed her shape and pulled her closer to him.

Felissa gasped when their bodies touched. She put her hand into Vicenzo's chest and felt his prominent, hardened muscles underneath the fabric.

"Please, don't marry that f^cker, Felissa," Vicenzo whispered, indicating Fabio, but all Felissa heard was him calling her name without the title.

Felissa's body shivered as she liked how Vicenzo spoke her name and wanted to hear it again.

"My name, say it again," Felissa muttered as she barely could utter a word. The lust for Vicenzo became more vigorous, and her body weakened the longer she stayed in his arms.

"Felissa," Vicenzo stated with a smirk. He liked Felissa's response to his action, which showed she was affected by him.