The Decision For Her

"My Lady! I'm here!" Idola shouted and burst the door open with a Theta behind her. She frantically looked at Felissa and saw her on the bed with Vicenzo standing on the side. "Sir Vicenzo! You're here!" she exclaimed.

"Yes," Vicenzo replied and took a step back for the Theta to examine Felissa, who was currently covered with a blanket to hide her flustered face.

"What happened to your clothes, Sir Vicenzo?" Idola asked innocently and pointed at Vicenzo's shirt that was torn by Felissa.

"It ripped when I helped Lady Felissa on the bed. Don't mind me here," Vicenzo stated before walking toward the door. "I'll inform Her Majesty about what happened. I'll be right back," he added before walking out. 

Vicenzo knew Felissa didn't want to meet him for a while after what had happened, but because of that, he finally got his answer. He went straight to Rosina's office, but she wasn't inside.