The Plan to Steal

In the next two days, Felicia had compiled everything she needed, which was basically out of the ordinary. She hid her tools under the stack of clothes that consisted of different designs.

In that time frame, Felicia never met Vicenzo after what had happened in the library. She didn't mind it since she could focus on her goal. 

"I wish a week would be enough," Felicia muttered while looking at her packed bags.

A knock on the door grabbed her attention. 

"Felissa," Rosina entered the room with a small smile.

"Your Majesty," Felicia stated and bowed her head in respect to the crown.

"I have found you a safe place," Rosina informed softly. She looked at Felicia's attire and sighed deeply; she wore male clothes that were too big for her. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Felicia replied timidly. Her eyes focused on the necklace on Rosina's neck.