The Noble Knight

Felicia went to her room in a hurry and leaned in the door. Her heartbeat was getting wild, and her hands were trembling. She looked at the necklace in her hand and grasped it on her chest.

"I made it," Felicia whispered with a victorious smile. She sighed deeply before frantically putting the necklace inside her underwear for safety. When she knew everything was settled, she left the room as if nothing had happened. 

Felicia decided to proceed outside to prevent any suspicion on her part if the news about Rosina's missing necklace broke out. She knew that the servants would be punished and they would lose their lives at some point, but she didn't care a bit. 

"My Lady, the carriage is ready," Idola greeted with a bow and gestured toward a fancy carriage. 

Two carriages were parked outside the Palace, and the other was used to store all their things, but Felicia needed clarification since they could just use a cart instead.