The Dried Lips

Eight men continued running in their two limbs as fast as they could. They were confident they successfully left the Lightcrest Pack since they were closer to the end border. They plan to return to Midnight Pack and start accusing Felissa among the Pack members to manipulate them against her.

"I can't wait to celebrate when we return!" one of the traitors exclaimed in delight while running. The rest of the group laughed and followed his cheers. 

But their joy was cut short when they heard a loud howl. It wasn't from animals in the forest since the sound brought chills down their spine. 

"What is that?" a traitor asked while stopping. He looked around but saw nothing around them.

Since they were Werewolves, they could see in the dark, but not as clearly as in their wolf form. 

"We should hurry," the leader of the traitor group stated. He started sprinting again since his instinct told him to run as far as possible.