The Engagement

Felissa and Vicenzo stood before an enormous bed where Affonso lay down. Pantee and their first son, Carl, were standing on the opposite side. 

"I can't believe what has happened. It's…. too much," Pantee whispered with her hands covering her mouth. She couldn't believe what they told her since the discovery was too unreal.

"Yes, but it's good that we are at peace for now," Affonso stated with a deep sigh.

"But father, that woman will come back to collect the payment when the time comes, isn't it disturbing?" Carl asked while in deep thought. He took notes of their conversation and found it more worrying since they didn't know what the woman wanted in exchange for his father's life.

Felissa looked down in understanding. She was worried as well, but she shrugged it off. "Well, perhaps it won't be that bad," she said, chuckling.

Everyone was silent. They knew deep inside the trade wouldn't be something minor.