A little about me

Hello everyone, Zany this side I am interested in music and I want to be a part of your band .

My speciality is guitar 🎸 and I can even play drums🥁. I am a fresher in college and I am studying law. As I am a fresher I can even give extra time to band activity. Thank you we will let you know if you can be a part of the band the person on the screen said. Thank you mam I said and the call ended with some more thank yous.

As you guys now know that I am Zany a fresher in college, average in studies and interested in music. Before some years I used to be uninvolved in music 🎶 my sister always force me to listen songs and one day my sister showed me a music video in which he is dancing and singing with his other band members and from the day I have seen him, listened him singing and his band sing I started to love everything about music 🎶 and I learnt how to play guitar 🎸. I completely agree that he is the reason of me exploring music, playing guitar learning drums but he is not the only reason why I learnt to play guitar and drums. I think there's a wall between music and me which he breaks without even knowing me or the wall that is created in between but somehow he managed to break it and that's the time I look at him for the first time with admiration in my eyes but about love I don't know when I fall for him without even meeting him without even knowing the person I am falling for I just want to meet him and say thanks to him for breaking the wall for helping me realise and explore the world which I have never seen or even not interested in seeing but he just make me love the world I hope I can just meet him and tell him how grateful I am of him and maybe tell him that I love him but maybe I can never meet him as he is the Riv a member of the Easter group who are not just any idol but they are worldwide the most famous idols and we both live in complete different worlds which can't be joined and so I am just gonna keep my feelings upto myself.

But I know one thing for sure that I am falling for him just like others I am also in love with him. Back to me, I come from a really sweet family of 5 where me mumma papa and one elder sister and a younger brother who is always fighting with me 🤣 but yeah a sweet little family we always be in contact of each other as I have started to study out of my hometown and this is my first year in college so being a fresher of college I didn't have friends but meeting my roommates and some classmates I know I am gonna fit into this college cause as soon as I entered the room they welcomed me with open arms and even after my parents leaving they are being best as it's their first time in hostel but not mine (I am feeling superior 😁), the call from before is me applying for the college band to be their guitarist as I told you before I want to try my best to meet him and maybe just for him my career may rise. I want to be the best not just for him but for myself too and the attention is also one of the reasons why I started to listen them I just love seeing how much people care about them respect them and they too leaving the hate behind they just go further and further still so connected to the ones they should be no ego no attitude just so pure which I am not even sure anything like this is even possible so I just admire them a lot about everything they do every moment I can see them even when I am only seeing them on a screen. I never knew that people can be this much attracted to someone who they don't even know but after seeing him I became one of those person who can be mad just because someone say something bad about someone I don't even know personally (someone I have never even met) that's just so different something which is so new for me. So this is a little about me which I think is a lot different from the old me and that's only because of him.

Thank you for reading ❣️ hope you like it 💕 please like the story and let me know if you think there are some mistakes 😊 I will make sure to correct them. Plz comment that help a lot thank you 💝💝