The day starts with someone calling on my phone 📱 in the early morning when I am not even completely awake "Aah that's annoying". I am not in a good mood but I have to pick the call as someone calling me this early must be something important otherwise why would someone disturb my peaceful morning and there too. As soon as I saw the name of the person calling my mood got more bad cause it's from the college band leader who's calling me cause I am sure that I didn't make it as there are surely much more talented people than me. "Hello" I said in the most swollen voice I have ever heard coming out of my the grumpy mouth "Hey am I talking to Zany" his voice feels so positive and lively, that can make you happy at any of your saddest moments maybe I got the part by some luck, a hope shine in my heart and voice "Yes" I said happily "Hey I called you to just let you know that you passed and we would love to listen you playing guitar 🎸 with our other band members" A loud gasp left my mouth and I asked him "are you sure you are calling the right person" person on the other side of the phone laughed a little and said "yeah I mean there aren't many who are specialized in guitar which we are lacking on as our guitarist just got graduated and left us in find of another and the other person we selected is not fitting with our concept for the year so we chose you and there's going to be a practice today as I think you also have a lot oto catch up and then we can have a small welcoming party of you joining us and being a part of our band as tomorrow is also a holiday so let's meet you at 2 today in radio room, I am hoping you are gonna be on time as there are no other juniors and we all are your seniors." He didn't even give me the chance to say yes and cut the call. I am too much happy that I don't know what to do who to tell but also confuse about how he said the senior thing (are they all this scary) why this feels like a warning, there's a knock on the door I got startled and came out of the senior thing and started to think about how today's gonna beand there's another hard knock on the door I looked around the room and got up from bed to open the door as one of my roommate is missing and the other sleeping. As soon as I opened the door I saw my missing roommate handling three dishes of breakfast and her handing me two plates of breakfast as she is holding three in her hands we settle it in the closest bed to the door which is her (mine is middle one). Waking my sleeping roommate up we started eating breakfast after brushing our teeths 😅. In the middle of breakfast I shouted and told them about the news I received and they yelled at me for shouting suddenly then they both started laughing looking at my sorry face and I got to know that they are teasing me and then they both congratulate me as both are happy for me seeing them supporting me this much I handed them the rest of my breakfast as I'm full and wasting food is not a good habit (even told them) I can hear yelling from behind as I went to washroom started to do my morning routine as it's a holiday means a long bath and slow work somehow the day passes. The clock hits 1:50 and I found myself infront of the radio room being nervous (more than me on the college entrance day) one of my friend passing from there sees me and came to me and we both talked that's when I got to know that she's joining hockey team and I told her that I also wanna join it then before leaving she motivated me for going in the clock hits 1:55. Somehow I managed to knock on the door and there stands a real beauty with long hair beautiful black eyes and a sweet smile, seeing her I reminded of my crush that he's going to be with someone as beautiful as her or even more beautiful than her just someone perfect who is like him, she welcomed me and asked about the reason behind my arrival before I can tell her the clock hit 2, the band members start arriving and everyone welcomed me smiling (I don't know who's genuine here or who's not). We talked a little and they introduced each other and I feel like they are the sweetest seniors I am gonna meet cause my nervousness just fly after meeting them. But I know that there's a lot I need to catch up on to be one of their band member. I even forget about what the leader told me in the morning after meeting him cause he jokes around a lot I learn a lot of things from them that I need to do. The day start to end and they decided to go to the nearest place as it's really late and we left for there.
Thank you a lot 💕 for reading today's chapter. I hope you like it, point out all my mistakes, thank you. Comment what you like or dislike about this chapter
Bye bye