Leaving for music festival

The day for our leave came soon than I expected or maybe anyone did thought that this day would really come cause everyone is looking happy and excited 😻 but nervous and scared as this is the first time the band is getting any chance out of college and even the online channel is a reason of it we all are sitting in the room without anyone talking or saying anything just having tense air around the room and there our leader came and as soon as he came his laugh started taking everyone worries 🤣 then he came and sat infront of me and ask what's there about the tension here is someone leaving the group? he asked as everyone laughed and when I looked at him and got to know that he already knows what I am upto 😅 that time I speak whatever no one's leaving and rolled my eyes at him he laughed and just pat my hairs even after knowing how much I hate it cause I have natural curly hairs 😭 I don't normally hate them but I hate it when I have to comb them he then left from there as the teachers started coming and he's the leader he can handle them but for now they are coming to praise us and motivate us 😄 then the bus came and we all take our bags and instruments and load it on bus then started to help each other in handling other things then we settle in the bus Beau ( the new member ) came and sat next to me I don't mind as after leaving college it's not like I am gonna sit there and there he started taking with me he said oh I never noticed but your eyes look the same as of cat 🐈 really cute I just give him a smile as he's trying to maybe sort unsaid problem between us or maybe just have a small talk and so I think not to be rude I also started talking with him about random things then we left the college and by surprise we are still talking then after sometime the bus stop as the scene is too good to not have a picture of the team after getting back on the bus I sit on the last with some seniors and then we played some games sing around and reached there after getting off the bus we met the manager who's handling everything in hotel 🏨 then he gave us our room keys we take out our things from the bus and we settle in our rooms me and Rubi ( one of my senior friend ) settle together as everyone have to settle with someone ( the room system be like - 2 in 1 ) after that we have gone for eating dinner 🥗 as we want to have dinner together and discuss about what to do tomorrow as the event is after two days how to meet the participants and when and where we are going to practice as our leader already collected all the information ( he told us about this on the call ) as there's the buffet system for dinner and breakfast we all take our food and sit on the table where Beau is sitting as he have already taken his food then as all sits we started to just randomly talk while eating then after sometime we started discussing about things we need to discuss for there Ricky ( our leader ) told us that there's gonna be a practice day tomorrow we are gonna performing infront of every other participant so that we can get comfortable with the spot and the audience as there's going to be more people on the day this idea of the hotel management is liked by everyone as we are also going to know about others their groups and we can even be friends then everyone ended their food and went towards their rooms I too go to my room but after taking my guitar 🎸 I went towards the pool side of the hotel 🏨 and sit there with my guitar 🎸 on my lap and me just fixing my chords and playing without any song just a relaxing acoustic guitar now closing my eyes 👀 and playing guitar I can't think of any other peaceful moment after all the chaos and mess of the day just relaxing at night with music 🎶 really can make someone forget about the day and their further responsibilities and can relax people anyhow someone destroyed my sweet time with my guitar ( and nothing else but breaking guitar on his head came on my mind ) but I calmed myself down and open eyes to see Beau sitting on the bench next to me I just smiled looking down as I just calmed myself down from killing him and losing my way to ever become a lawyer ( for what I am studying ) how are you here I asked him he just smilingly said nothing just clearing my mind as tomorrow we gonna sing and play in front of audience it's gonna be my first time playing an instrument so a lot is messing with my head have to clear it I just sighed and told him that it's gonna be completely okay "and if you start to feel scared so just close your eyes and think like you are just doing your theatre and take deep breaths and start again it's gonna be okay "I pat on his shoulders telling him this and he smiled and said thank you after that I again start to play guitar he sit for some moments and leave after I still play and then go back to my room thinking how I am gonna be tomorrow but then he came in my mind like how he's so comfortable with singing dancing in front of people and just by thinking of him my all worries just got away and I just smiled and gone to my room.

Thank you for reading ❤️ hope you like it Thank you so so much💝💝