A good day

After getting throwed out of the hockey team that's gonna perform for their first match I am unexpectedly relaxed even when I know my mom is not gonna be happy about it (she don't want me to join the band) gosh I have to tell her. When I came back to my room I think a lot about it and finally called my sister's phone 📱 she picked up and I just mess around without talking about the reason I called for now she's getting bored and she told me "Ok I am cutting the call bye 👋" "I am not going to participate in the first team match" "WHAT you are not going to participate in the team match, but why I thought you like to play guitar 🎸 and you got some great senior friends because of that why aren't you gonna participate huh?" "by saying team I didn't mean the band I meant the hockey team match and I have three reasons for not attending it, first it's between the music festival and mumma papa anniversary, second it's on the same day we are leaving for the music festival, third the coach threw me out of the team for this match." "and what did you do to get threw out of the team that too by your coach" "I did nothing and that's the problem that I did nothing, because of the band practice there are a lot of times that I didn't got spare time besides band and study so I don't go to the hockey practice and here he don't think that I am suitable for playing this time but you see that's good atleast now I don't have to choose between music 🎵 and hockey 🏑" I sighed after telling her about the whole thing she laughed and told me that "I already told you, you can't do it all you are not that smart if it's somebody else for a second I can accept them doing all this but you who can't even handle herself is going to handle all those things together you should be thanking God that you got away easily otherwise who knows what's gonna happen by the way did you tell mom that you got kicked out of the hockey team?" she questioned me about it and what can I say I tell her the truth and she just laughed and told me to tell mom after she ended the call I hesitantly called mom and said "hello mom what are you doing?" I asked her as I can't just directly tell her about it so I just try to buy time by messing around I told her you know I told you that there's gonna be a music festival it's confirmed now that I am going there as the guitarist you know it's so awesome my mom said yeah I know and why did you call me at this time you usually don't call me like this hm she asked ac.. actually mumma I can't go to the hockey match this time she unexpectedly calm asked me why is your practice not going well she said then I told her that it's on the same day as us leaving for the festival and and sir said that I am not well prepared for this time as I don't daily attend the practice she said okay and are you happy about not getting to play and I replied actually I can play with the band by not joining the team so yeah I don't think I have anything to regret here she happily told me that it's good that you are happy and do whatever makes you happy I am happy that you don't regret anything here. (I feel like crying here but I calmed myself down) and said thank you to mom she said it's your life it should be your choice I am happy that you think about someone else feelings too okay now I am making dinner 🍝 I will call you later and there the call ended with a really relieved mood and a hungry stomach as it's still not dinner time I got up from my study chair get to the wardrobe find some snacks which I always keep for times like this take the potato 🥔 chips out and start to think about how much calories it's gonna give me but am I someone who would just don't eat something cause it have a lot of calories then why did I bought it there's gonna be a reason and the reason is that I am going to eat it without caring about the calories, sitting in bed wearing pajama watching web series eating chips yep this is me 😁 after all this me and my roommates with some friends were just talking and we talk about many things they congratulate me for getting my first music 🎼 festival and please me to play something for them and the dinner bell rang I just somehow managed them and told them that we are gonna continue after lunch huff I survived my roommates looked at me and started laughing I make grumpy face and then we all leave for dinner 🍝 which is ofcoursely of no one's liking cause who likes hostel food and our mood gets more bad when we got to know it's paneer curry with no paneer in it just the hostel type 😤 somehow we eat the food and got back on our rooms after messing and a little studying I slept feeling like a big problem just solved itself and I got saved.

Thank you for reading 💗 I tried to make a big chapter hope you like it and I think there gonna be a little changes in the previous chapters story is not gonna get change so if you don't want you can just scroll it out and hope you like the chapter please comment something that helps a lot. Thank you 💖💖