Zumwraek had always enjoyed watching his older brother playing football in the yard, and it was obvious by his expression that he was having fun. His face would light up every time he spotted a stray ball and he would start running around like crazy to grab it. Every time he threw a ball he'd shout something that was probably meant to intimidate the opposing team and he loved it. After watching his brothers playing for a few minutes Zumwraek realized how exhausted he was feeling, so, slowly getting up from the couch, he headed upstairs to shower and rest a little before coming back downstairs.
As soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming about being surrounded by his favorite characters from his favorite movie. Suddenly, the sound of his alarm clock jerking him awake caused him to jolt upright and scramble to turn off the damn thing. Once it finally went silent and Zumwraek could breathe normally again, he lay back down. It was time to face the day, his mom would be back from work in less than an hour and he had to prepare breakfast for the kids. After taking a quick shower he slipped into jeans and his blue and white plaid shirt before heading downstairs. He opened the fridge and sighed softly at the sight that greeted him. In fact he wasn't surprised that his mom was gone already. Since they'd moved in with his aunt she'd become obsessed with working. Zumwraek understood why of course but sometimes he wished she took time to spend with him. She was the only parent figure he really had. It's not like he'd ever actually call her a mother, he barely remembered his biological father, he never met his grandfather, who died when he was just a baby.
Looking around for something that was easy to heat up, Zumwraek frowned slightly as he surveyed the fridge in front of him. Not many options were presented, mainly because it was nearly empty. Most things had ended up getting taken from his house due to the fact that his relatives had either moved or sold them off. There was nothing that could be heated up from scratch. Sighing heavily Zumwraek grabbed his microwave and began heating up the leftovers that were in the fridge. They didn't taste great but at least they were better than nothing. He could always eat cold food if he had to. At least he'd get the extra calories he'd need.
Zumwraek finished cooking his leftover lasagna and put it into the microwave to reheat it later while the sauce simmered on the stovetop. When he was done he set the bowl aside to cool and then checked on the sauce. It was boiling now so he poured a little of the hot sauce into the bowl along with the pasta and let it simmer for five minutes before serving up the dish. After finishing up with dinner Zumwraek sat down at his desk to play video games until his mom came home, he'd forgotten to charge his phone earlier so it was probably late by now.
After about ten minutes, which was probably too long for Zumwrap to sit in silence, he finally heard his sister enter the house, it seemed like the entire household had arrived home early today. He figured his mom had called them all together for dinner after she got off of work. He hoped that she was happy, it was rare that she got to see any of them outside of their normal social lives. Sometimes Zumwraek wondered how his mom managed to raise four children by herself, it seemed impossible, yet here they were.
His dad was usually the first one home, as soon as he heard his wife coming home from work he would make his way to the living room to greet her with a kiss on the cheek and a hug before making his way towards the kitchen for a plate. Zumwraek's mom always said her husband smelled like cigarettes and alcohol when she visited but his mom was an absolute saint