Chapter 19: Facing Alekon Do

"Don't do as he says" said Zar "That will definitely make him lose his balance with anger"

"But we still need to meet him right?" asked Vikaya

Zar nodded "We'll reach there in the evening"

"Alright" said Vikaya

The night passed by quickly. Vikaya rested and got ready to leave early morning. In an hour the car was loaded

"What's that for?" asked Zar

"For your carriage of chaos, your wraithness" said Vikaya and waves her arms with flair pointing to the wagon attached to the car

She picked up the chains again, hopefully for the last time and tied the coffin inside the wagon

"Hop on and I will see you in a few hours, alright?" said Vikaya

"What?" said Zar fuming

"What?" asked Vikaya

"Where did you say I will be?" he asked

"Well, you can't leave your coffin, so you will be in the wagon, right?" asked Vikaya flexing her face so it appears serious

"Well, I see you have changed your ways Pekassador" said Zar hovering closer

"You are in my world, aren't you Zar Hhital? I should at least try to repay your hospitality" she said with eccentricity glinting in her eyes

"If you want to drive and drive endlessly for hours, in loops never knowing when it will finally end then I say let's go for it and I will gladly sit in the wagon" said Zar, and walked ahead dramatically

Vikaya rolled her eyes and groaned

"Alright, sit in the front" said Vikaya hopping into the driver's seat

Zar grinned and gladly sat beside her

The journey finally began, a journey that made them sweat behind the ears because of the unimaginable horrors of the destination.

After driving for half an hour in complete silence, Zar broke the ice

"Should I cut short the journey?" he asked turning to Vik

"Huh? How?" she asked, eyes wide as usual

"Just like I did back at the forest" said Zar

"Then why didn't you say that before? Do it!" Vik almost yelled

"Well, I wanted to enjoy this and now I am done" said Zar and sat back

In a few minutes Vikaya, to her immense shock found herself at the outskirts of the city

"Wow" she exclaimed with joy

"I think I should drop at home and change then I will-" began Vikaya

"Nope, don't delay the inevitable" said Zar

"But this way we would reach in the morning. We have to annoy him, remember?" said Vikaya

Zar was silent

"At least let me grab a bite" said Vik

Zar nodded

A large, sparsely filled parking lot and food to fill the soul, now Vikaya was ready to wrack her brains and have functional senses

"So what now?" asked Vikaya

"We have to change our plan and carefully think our strategy" said Zar, biting into a fry and whispering 'revolutionary' to himself

For an hour they lay out their strategy and prepared to face the horror in the form of Alekon Do

"But wait, he might have been tracking me!" said Vikaya driving out of the parking lot

"I tried to hide it so let's see if it worked" said Zar

In half an hour they reached the mysterious mansion where Vikaya first met the sinister entity

She stood in front of the large, gaudy front door once again, hoping to end it all. Dark clouds covered the sun and the sky's demeanor turned depressing and somehow threatening

She rang the doorbell and the doors flung open. Vikaya decided not be swayed by these tricks and took a deep breath in and stepped in

"Mr. Alekon Do?" she called

"I am glad you are finally here Ms. Vikaya Pekassador" said Alekon's chilling voice

Vikaya glanced up at the direction of the voice, expecting to see Alekon walking down the stairs like the belle of the ball

"Did you bring what I asked for?" he asked

Vikaya turned to follow the direction of the voice again and jumped with shock. Alekon Do stood right behind her! Staring into her internal organs

"How did you get here?" she asked. She checked the foyer, there was no one there!

"Oh come on Ms. Vikaya, I thought you knew me by now" he said

"Shall we?" he said and pointed her to the larger living room behind the stairs

Vikaya gestured him to walk ahead

"Wait" he said "First bring me what I asked for"

Vikaya turned and walked closer to him

"If you can do all this, won't it be better if you brought it in, your way" she said and moved her hands around dramatically

Alekon snickered "I like you" he said and waved his hand slightly

The coffin slowly floated above the wagon, the chains around it, loose and free. The coffin floated straight inside the mansion and into the living room

"Shall we?" he said, smirked and walked ahead

"Did he jump thousands on the scale of evilness?" Vikaya thought to herself and followed him

It was a large, gaudy, over-decorated place. Is being evil directly proportional to having no taste?

"Please sit down" he said, his tone contrary to his words

Vikaya sat down on the printed sofa while Alekon walked around

"So, I won't be invisible anymore right?" asked Vikaya

"Nope, don't worry. People can see you" he said and stood in front of the fireplace

"You may leave now" he said and flicked his fingers pointing towards the door

Vikaya was taken aback. She didn't expect things to escalate this way

"Umm.. Mr. Do I will come straight to the point" she said

Now Alekon Do was very curious, he stared at Vikaya his eyebrows raised

"I suffered too much trying to retrieve this coffin for you and it forced me to think about a lot of things" began Vikaya

Alekon just nodded, amused by the turn of events

"So I would like that money you offered" she said "And.."

"And?" asked Alekon

"And a lot more" she said loud and clear

"Interesting, very interesting" said Alekon and walked around, closer to her

"You see Ms. Vikaya, money from my methods" he began "Won't be clean money" he pointed around him

"I understand" said Vik trying her best to stall him

"The money you receive from me will enslave you" warned Alekon in a chilling tone

Vikaya took a deep breath in.

"Who's behind you Mr. Do? I am really curious to know. Who do you serve?" she said in a strong voice

Vikaya had been shrinking herself, trying to stall Alekon but somehow, something felt wrong

Alekon stared at her then his face changed to doomy and disturbing. He scratched his cheek, lifted his palm and snapped his fingers

The coffin laying peacefully burst open at his signal. The remains of the body were barely there, even the critters had left it. The insides of the coffin were barely holding together

"Oh" said Alekon nodding

"Did you find anyone near the coffin Ms. Vikaya?" he asked raising his eyebrows and slowly approaching her

"No" said Vikaya

"Are you sure? Some apparition? Some hallucination? Nothing?" asked Alekon tilting his head

Vikaya shook her head

"Alright" said Alekon nodding his head, a weird expression on his face

There was something about Alekon which made Vikaya very uncomfortable beside the fact that he was a super-horrifying evil person who wants to kill for all the power in the world. Her senses tingled trying to indicate her of something sinister

Alekon walked over to the fireplace again. He put his hand in the large coat pockets and fished out something, hiding it in his large palms and threw it in the empty fireplace

As soon as the little thing touched the ground, the whole fireplace blew up! Not light up but blow up! A terrifying boom shook the whole place and it's entrapping waves and fire spread all around

Seeing all this Vikaya stood up and in the blink of an eye the place around her disappeared. It burned away to ashes blowing away. It disappeared faster than the breath of a dying man

"Mr. Do" said Vikaya and jumped

Alekon turned upon hearing his name and Vikaya saw the glint of psychotic craze in his eyes

"Do you really want to know whose behind me Ms. Vikaya?" he yelled and a large fire erupted

The fire was several feet tall. Vikaya's breath was stuck in her body and her heart and lungs jammed. What did she land into? Will she be engulfed by this wave of darkness?