Chapter 20: In the Clutches of Alekon Do

Vikaya watched with terror as the other-worldly flames swept and cleared everything around her. The ground she was standing on, the room she was in, the furniture, the walls everything just blew away and took form of a dark, ominous place.

"Where am I?" she thought to herself

"Mr. Alekon Do" said Vikaya

Alekon was busy in his psychotic craze, high on the happenings around him

"Do you really want to know who I serve VIKAYA PEKASSADOR?" he yelled at her and the winds and the flames around him danced violently

"Come here" he said

Vikaya shook her head and stood there

"COME HERE!" he yelled

"You must be crazy but I am not" yelled Vikaya amidst the winds, her short hair blowing away along with her tiny eyes

Alekon moved his hand and in a second Vikaya was dragged ahead and she found herself beside Alekon

"Do you really wish to be enslaved by this power?" asked Alekon with an evil smile pasted across his face

Vikaya just stared at him. Saying yes just for the sake of stalling him felt too dangerous. What if a mere yes turns out to be Faustian pact?

"Show me" she demanded

"What?" said Alekon

She grabbed his collar, wanting to twist his neck like a twig

"Show me!" she yelled

Alekon brushed her off and stared at her. He fished out another one of those mysterious objects. Vikaya tried to see what it was but unfortunately, Alekon was too clever. He threw the object on the ground and there was another huge blast! Vikaya almost flew off!

Dark flames of green and black took form out of nothing and almost engulfed the whole place! Alekon and Vikaya stepped behind and the flames as if an entity, claimed the place

"Now you must bow your head and offer your loyalty and service to become a part of this" said Alekon and signaled her to go ahead

"Okay but what is 'this'?" asked Vikaya stopping herself from making the air bunnies, the air quotes from her fingers

"A force too powerful for you understand, a force powerful enough to engulf this whole planet" said Alekon

"Show me" demanded Vikaya again

"This is not a circus show, lady!" yelled Alekon

"And I am not someone who blindly signs off my loyalty and service to some invisible dark force" said Vikaya folding her hands across

Alekon sighed furiously and walked ahead near the fire. Stretched out his arms towards the sky, he joined them with a thunderous clap and brought it down to his chest. He then proceeded to bow down deeply

Vikaya glanced around and saw a glimpse hovering by. She nodded as soon as her eyes saw it. She quickly moved towards Alekon without making a single sound. She stood behind him and put her empty arms behind her body and swooping forward, her hand now had a shining sword in it!

Without wasting a second, she swung it and attacked Alekon from behind targeting his neck, ready to slash it off his body. Her eyes glistened with victory and relief, but alas it was to early. In a blink of an eye, Vikaya didn't even realize what happened. Before the sword could touch him, Alekon bent forward and rolled over to the other side while the blade hit the ground with terrifying force. Vikaya's strength is no joke!

Alekon rolled over, sprang up on his feet and moved his arms violently. Vikaya let out a shriek as she was swooped and dragged away, hanging in the air with a threatening grip around her neck. The grip of Alekon's cold, cruel hands controlling from the ground. And beside her was Zar who was also swooped up, hanging by his neck. Both of them gasping

"You both hollow-brained bozos thought that I would to fall for your antics?" Alekon chortled with a mean streak

"Wow, I am disappointed. I thought I gave a really intimidating impression but turns out that's not true" he said slowly walking around them as they hung for their life, gasping

"Do I look stupid to you?" he burst out, fuming

Fortunately he didn't see that Vikaya was trying to nod to answer his question

"Zar Zar Zar" he called his name, almost singing it as a song

"After all these years we found each other. Soulmates!" he sang with delight

Zar snorted "More like karmic soulmates" he said

"Of course. Karmic. The ties of karma run deep between us and it seems like you still owe me. I really want to snatch you out of that body and end you!" said Alekon

Before Zar could burst out with anger, the violent ball of volatility burst beside him

"OWE YOU?!" yelled Vikaya "OWE YOU?!"

It seems like a fuse had blown off within Vikaya, very violently indeed

"BITCH just let me get down there!" she yelled hanging and swinging like a crazy monkey in air, hanging from her neck!

"You OWE HIM! Even if you become a slave for him for the rest of your measly poop-eating worm lives, you will still owe him!" she yelled now swinging even more violently

Alekon stared at her, grinding his teeth and clutching his fist hard enough to crack her skull. He tried to tighten his grip but in vain! What was stopping his powers? He thought to himself

In a few seconds of squirming and struggling with anger Vikaya found herself lose from the grip around her neck! Chaos and shock spread all around! Vikaya was now falling down from a significant distance above the ground

"Ahh!" she shrieked and landed with a thud, hurting her body

"Vikaya!" yelled Zar

Alekon stared at her in horror. She stood up, brushed herself off ignoring her wounds so they hurt less. Lifting her head in a violent turn she glared at Alekon. In the blink of an eye he saw Vikaya charging towards him like a mad tiger. She jumped on him, grabbing him by the neck. Her force was so violent Alekon fell on the ground and Vikaya on him, almost choking him to death

His powers lowered and Zar was free from his grip, he too fell down and immediately went beside Vikaya

"It's not possible to kill him this way" said Zar disappointed

While under Vikaya's grip, Alekon was still shameless and upon hearing these words, he snickered with delight

"After living all these years do you think I would simply choke to death?" he sneered at them

"Now MOVE!" he yelled at him with soul shaking rage, which would almost throw them away but they held on. Vikaya still holding him firmly

"Zar Hhital, I have an idea" her tone changed to an ominous one

"I realize that I do want unlimited power in the world. I want to know what that feels like" said Vikaya her eyes glinting with seduced emotion; lust of power

"Vikaya?" said Zar shocked. He grabbed her by the shoulder "Pekassador we have to get rid of Alekon!" he said

"Of course Hhital, of course" said Vikaya smirking "But not this way. His killing should be useful, his blood should be fruitful!" she stared into his eyes with hunger to kill him

"NO!" yelled Alekon

Vikaya put her hand behind her back and immediately fished out a sword

"What if the sacrifice is not heart of gold, well of soul wisdom and an all-knowing being? What if it's the sacrifice of a person, hanging between the realms of life and death and alive for all these years. The longest living soul in this realm" said Vikaya, an air of grandeur surrounding her

She lifted her sword and swung it to attack Alekon. But Alekon fell into a fit of rage and kicked her in a swift swing and full force. Vikaya was flung across the ground and landed heavily, bruising her body, the sword landed beside her

"How dare you?!" yelled Alekon

Zar using his powers at the right time, disappeared. Alekon stomped towards Vikaya and picked up the sword. He grabbed her wrist checking something but it was not her pulse

"She is still useful" he breathed out a sigh of relief

The heart of gold still remained, the well of soul wisdom was brimming with abundance.

While Vikaya lay there unconscious Alekon prepared for his grand ritual. In front of the unholy burning fire, with flames of evil green and dark he bowed down murmuring something as if commanding a presence to appear. A spark shot above the fire and Alekon smiled. This was the signal for him. He walked over to Vikaya, grabbed her arm and began dragging her across the ground near the fire. Vikaya was still unconscious, dragged by this dark entity in human shell while Zar was nowhere to be seen

Alekon stopped just beside the fire and lay Vikaya on one side. Firmly clutching the sword, he stared at Vikaya's arm and with one swift swoop, the sword made a deep cut into Vikaya's arm, dripping with her blood

Alekon smiled a forbidden smile and walked on the final path to his goal. The sword, now covered in Vikaya's blood, Alekon held it like a sacred object. He knelt down in front of the fire, presenting it as an offering. But before the sword could touch the ground Alekon heard an unpleasant call

"Alekon!" called a voice

Alekon turned to find Vikaya standing over him. She grabbed the sword from his hand and kicked him so hard that it was enough to send him across the solar system

"Ow!" he yelled and fell on the ground

She threw the sword away and attacked Alekon. It was a fierce fight, both of them ruthlessly attacked each other. Then in the middle of the fight while Vikaya fell down with a heavy blow Alekon realized something which made him shudder with anger and cringe!

"I have powers!" he yelled to himself, almost wanting to slap his demonic face

Before Vikaya could stand up again, he moved his arm and she was dragged across to the other end. One more signal and the sword came flying into his hand

"Stay there!" he yelled at Vikaya and she was pinned to the ground by an invisible force unable to get up

He held the sword firmly and knelt down in front of the fire again and offered the sword, placing it on the ground. The sword flung into air and floated above, in front of the fire and was engulfed into the fire.

The fire boomed and grew in size at an alarming rate and Vikaya watched this in terror. A disturbing, dark force emerged from the flames. A force that would send chills into the very soul, and would bring out the deepest, darkest of emotions. A sly enslaver of all living beings of this planet

"I am eternally grateful that you accepted my offering, Oh magnificent Omnipotent Power" he said and bowed down, kneeling

"Is that the blood of the sacrifice?" the malevolent, crusty voice of the dark force finally spoke

The eyes gleamed a haunting green and red and waited for the answer

"Yes master, all-powerful" said Alekon

The dark force growled and grumbled

"The sacrifice will bow in front of me! And I shall take it from the wound of the offering!" yelled the force, and everything shook as if the early warning signs of an earthquake about to happen!

Alekon clutched his fist in air and Vikaya was dragged across, again and ended up being grabbed by her neck.

"Kneel!" he yelled and Vikaya did and bowed down while Alekon bowed too

The fire blazed and burned and the size of the dark force grew

"The wound of the sacrifice!" the words echoed around and to Alekon's shock he found himself floating above. He stared around in shock

"NO! NO!" he yelled "It's not me Master!"

But the forced boomed with anger

"No! How?" he thought then felt a deep burning sensation on his back

A deep cut slashed across his back glowed, having been claimed as the wound of sacrifice and amidst all this fighting Alekon never realized that his back had been wounded. First time in all these years, his eyes showed fear and terror. First time he felt the fear of death, fear of harm

But in the end, what killed him inside more than what was ready to kill him outside was the "How?" How did this happen? How could he not see it?

In a few seconds, the fire and the dark force in it roared with rage and engulfed a screaming Alekon within in, putting an end to his very existence

Vikaya stood up, with pain in every inch of his body and turned to find Zar hovering beside her. They held hands

"With this the seed of your darkness is destroyed and so are you!" they both yelled in unison

The eyes of the dark force widened with shock and a loud shriek echoed around, a truly haunting sound and in just a few moments the fire imploded like a rare phenomenon of the Universe

The shadow of the being named Alekon Do, possessing the shell of a man all these lifetimes finally obliterated and so did the darkness which fed him and whom he fed in return