You Become a Celebrity And I'll Be Your Background!

Ai Tingya wore a green ancient dress and stood like a green bamboo pavilion in the forest.

Melodious and soothing music sounded. Ai Tingya's figure was as ethereal as a shadow. She swayed with the music, as if she was flying or leaning sideways.

The courtyard became quiet. The staff, who had been chatting, stopped talking. They were attracted by the girl's beautiful dance on the stage. The cigarette in their mouths almost burned their lips but they had yet to feel it.

Yang Tianzhen got out of the car as if his soul had been hooked. Qiu Liang's complaints were forgotten. He took out another business card after admiring the scene for a moment.

Luo Feng stared fixedly at Ai Tingya. His entire body was deeply immersed in her dance, and every beat struck his heart. Ai Tingya's emotions were fully conveyed even though her movements couldn't compare to someone who had training.

Her eyes furrowed, and her every move was filled with sorrow.