The Song Is Not For Sale, I'll Show You The Way

Their eyes met in the simple changing room.

Ai Tingya gently leaned on Luo Feng's shoulder. Her soft hair scattered around Luo Feng's body, and the mint-flavored shampoo entered Luo Feng's nose.

"Do you like it?" Luo Feng asked softly.

Ai Tingya nodded. She was extremely touched. No one had ever sung for her before. Luo Feng had really given her too much, so much that she didn't know how to repay him.

"That's good," Luo Feng laughed. Ai Tingya was finally happy after he practiced for a long time!


The door of the changing room, which had been left ajar, suddenly burst open. The wooden door bounced back, blocked by a pile of soft flesh.

Yang Tianzhen stood at the door with tears streaming down his face. Behind him was the shocked little-known celebrity, and behind them were Dean Du and Xiao Fei, who were gratified.