Reviewing Luo Feng's Thesis? It's Killing Me!

Oxford University, multimedia classroom.

A long table was facing the podium. Professor Vincent sat behind the table alone. The fingers of his hands were intertwined, and his expression was extremely conflicted, as if he was the one who was going to defend himself next.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have agreed to them." Professor Vincent was nervous and regretful.

If he was given another chance, he would never agree to let the Dean of the Mathematics Faculty be the judge.

He didn't even know much about the thesis. He participated in Luo Feng's thesis defense in such a state, unable to understand what they were saying at all.

Wouldn't that be very embarrassing?

What was worse was that Luo Feng's thesis was receiving a lot of attention from the outside world. This thesis defense would definitely become a highlight in the history of mathematics. Professor Vincent felt that he shouldn't have participated.