Are You Serious About Your Reactions?

After the mistake last time, Yuan Yu went back to study Luo Feng's connections.

The camera swept across the Dean of the Mathematics Faculty, Professor Vincent, Professor Jing, and Yuan Yu could all make a connection. Only the old man sitting in the middle of the judging table was unfamiliar to her.

She felt that Professor Vincent and Professor Jing respected him very much.

"Who is he?" Yuan Yu asked softly.

"Elder Tang? It's Elder Tang!" The cameraman's hand that was holding the camera trembled slightly.

"Elder Tang?!" Yuan Yu's eyes widened.

While she had never seen Elder Tang's face, anyone who knew mathematics knew this name. That was the name that appeared in the books. She did not expect to see him in person one day!

Just now, Yuan Yu had thought that the two heavyweight professors who participated in Luo Feng's thesis defense valued Luo Feng very much. She did not expect this person to be even more heavyweight.