The Advantage Of The Public Opinion Battle, Everyone Is Protecting You!

In the end, Benson did not take a break under his own insistence. Instead, under Yang Tianzhen's lead, he started working as a manager. It was fate that brought them together. Coincidentally, Huixin still lacked some experience so Benson took care of her.

After settling the matter of the invitation letter, the three of them returned to the farmyard.

Before they entered the courtyard, they saw the staff sitting in a circle like a bonfire party. Everyone was holding their phones and their fingers were moving rapidly on the keyboard, as if they were pulling the trigger.

"What are you guys doing? Why aren't you working?" Luo Feng walked behind Screenwriter Hong, wanting to see what they were watching.

"Boss? Why are you back so soon?!" Everyone was shocked and hurriedly hid their phones behind their backs.