Where's Your Ambition? Show It!

Kou Zhiyuan might not have expected that they would incur the wrath of the public by releasing some dirt on Luo Feng.

He had originally bought fake reviewers to use them to stir up Luo Feng's scandals and divert the netizens' attention, minimizing the negative impact on Morris.

Unexpectedly, many people were clarifying for Luo Feng and telling him all the good things they had come into contact with.

"I'm the delivery man of Gather Sift Takeaway. I've once received a year-end bonus from my boss. The cash is as thick as bricks. I've never seen a boss who gives benefits to his employees in real money or silver."

"Back then, the television station took the initiative to interview him. Luo Feng casually mentioned the milk tea shop. Moreover, that was opened by the orphanage. It was a public service advertisement."

"Boss Luo is really a good person. He doesn't put on any airs at all. He's also smiling when I snatch his snacks."