Preparation For The Latest Talent Show Program In The Country!

"I'll only do the start. You should know better than me what to do," Luo Feng said.

Judging from the potential value he could see, Yang Tianzhen was naturally very talented. It was the truth. He had already brought up a famous movie queen in the country.

If it weren't for Morris' intention to take him down, this glorious achievement could have continued.

Benson was inferior to Yang Tianzhen, but it did not matter. He had great potential amongst normal managers.

These two people had a keen nose and decisiveness when it came to entertainment.

Luo Feng only needed to start. As for the subsequent implementation, he could leave it to the two of them.

"I believe that even though Morris has no intention of sharing resources with trainees like Huixin and the others, their lives as trainees can't be fake. Otherwise, he wouldn't have deceived so many people," Luo Feng said.