The Dragon that fell from the sky (1)

The adult Frost giant's eyes reflected the approaching figures of the winter Wolves, and its pupils suddenly shrank.

"Enemy attack!"

It opened its mouth and roared, and the sound waves spread rapidly in the surroundings.

&Nbsp; facing the joint attack of a group of Winter Wolves, the adult giant did not dare to be careless. It bent down and lowered its head, at the same time raising its pillar-like arms.

Ka ka ka ... A large amount of frozen air condensed and interweaved, forming a thick ice crystal Shield in front of its arm, blocking in front of the winter Wolves and the adult Frost Giants.

At the same time, it pulled out the giant steel hammer from its waist and swung its arm at the Winter Wolf.

His reaction speed was fast.

However, compared to the winter Wolves that had pounced over first, it was still a beat slower.