Rain of magma (1)

what are you waiting for? go and support the mine guards. Follow me and attack the Dragon!

The extremely old Frost Giant quickly gave the order, and two Frost Giants ran towards the winter Wolves. The remaining dozen Frost Giants and the extremely old Frost Giant stared at garen together.

At the same time, garen had already torn open the cage and looked down at the injured White Dragon Lady.

"You should leave this place first."

He said indifferently.

The White Dragon Maiden blinked. She knew that she couldn't fight now, and it was likely that she would die if she was accidentally injured. So, after leaving the cage, she spread her wings and flew into the air.

The frost Giants didn't just watch as the White Dragon Maiden left. They threw ice crystals that were a few meters in diameter and Spears that were more than six meters long at the White Dragon Maiden.

Garen's gaze shifted, and all the attacks in his field of vision became sluggish.