King of the Plane, Astral Scepter (2)

Darkness and emptiness extended like a tide, covering everything.

It was as if they had arrived at the Absolute Beginning Era before Godly God created the world.

Only Garen's will remained-the silver-colored dragon with a calm expression floated in the endless void. Its platinum dragon eyes were shining brightly, reflecting the surrounding scenery without moving.

“........... The consciousness world formed by the mind was so vast and endless. The astral will was many times stronger than the domain will of the hero.”

Garen thought to himself as he was pulled into the world of consciousness.

The silver dragon shook its head and turned its gaze to observe the surrounding situation.

At the same time, Garen's gaze moved slightly, as if he was being watched.

"Astral World Will, I know you are observing me.”

"Show yourself. Don't hide. I'm here for you.”

The silver dragon's expression was calm as it spoke in a calm voice.
