King of the Plane, Astral Scepter (3)

Even powerful gods would yearn for the identity of the king of the plane.

Garen stretched out his dragon claw and gently drew a line. Instantly, a strange long river that flowed gently and unhurriedly was outlined.

"Naturally, to cover the river of time that enshrouds the astral plane.”

"Astral King? No, what I want is far higher than a mere plane's king level.”

If he could obtain all the power of a plane, he would be able to surpass many Gods. This was indeed powerful, but it was not valued by Garen. He had a long-term and more worthy ideal goal.

“............ River of Time."

The astral will fell silent.

"To me, this is just a small pond.”

" Don't think that I value, desire, and covet the identity of the king of the astral world. It's just a small piece of the puzzle in my grand dream.”

The silver dragon said calmly.

"I have decided to become the king of the astral plane. It would be best if I could have your approval and assistance.”