The monster that broke Petunia's heart waits for Eden as usual when he steps into the safety of the boys’ restroom. In its mirror world, where the surroundings are darker, infested with black nightmares that disappear when he checks behind him, but are always present. Cruel universe, Eden mouths in harmonisation with his red-eyed twin. How you love to make us suffer. His reflection smiles bitterly, continues; I can't even trust the goddamned mirrors now, is that it? Eden's nails dig into the edges of the sink, shift white. “I have one year left. One”, he goes on audibly with a grim scowl. “I'm getting out of here, whether you like it or not. You're not holding me hostage along with them.” The last word rolls off his tongue in a resentful hiss. Eden straightens up and removes his hands from the sink, and the monster in the mirror does the same. The shattered glass next to this one is still patched up with tape and a plastic cover.