MY WORLD - The freakshow

Friends... a contract, in other words? A contract of having someone to sit next to, a contract of social convenience, or, a contract of keeping secrets. Abel, just like me, Eden thought in silence while he stared at Abel’s warm face, you don’t have any friends. Only contracts. And now you want form one with me. But for what? What do you hope to gain from me?

“You don't seem to understand.” Eden begins with newfound composure. “What happens within this town will soon be all but a bad dream to me. I plan to erase everything.” His eyes widen, gleam redly of young insanity. “I'll erase mother, father, home, Petunia, the school, the town, even myself.” His words quickened with his heartbeat, “And that goes for you, too. I have no intention of stopping, so don't waste your breath.”

Abel coyly twists his neck, scratches it, merely looks dumbfounded at Eden in response.