The Legend of Grandma

Days thunder after the top, I cut the dragon with medical skills have a cloud: "the beginning of medicine, out of sorcery", since the Han dynasty sorcery and medicine gradually differentiated, changing The Times, now the world only live in the northeast of our Lin family still retain the inheritance of sorcery.

My grandmother is our village far and wide famous witch doctor, life is full of legend, save countless people, in the eyes of the elderly in our village, is simply a side of water and soil protection god.

Witch doctor sounds full of mystery, and in essence is still a profession of curing diseases and saving people. The word "disease" does not refer to the narrow sense of "disease", but covers the world.

Witch doctors can cure what doctors can cure, and witch doctors can cure what doctors can't. If all the doctors in the world say this disease is certain to die, but in the witch doctor, there may still be a chance of survival. Grandma often hangs a word on the mouth is -- "words can not cure, because you not do the best".

I heard that more than 20 years ago, a village was born under a strange baby with many fingers, the general multiple fingers syndrome is usually how long one or two fingers and so on, but the baby's left hand unexpectedly long eight fingers, the right hand long nine! When the hands were together, the baby's short fingers wriggled closely, like a strange lotus

The parents of the strange baby were so anxious that they sought medical advice everywhere, but even the doctors in the provincial hospital shook their heads and said that they could not be treated, because the distribution of the bones, muscles and nerve plexus of these fingers was too complicated, and the success rate of the operation was extremely close to zero, not to mention the huge cost of the operation. Even if he succeeds, the child is too young to withstand intensive surgery.

In the village, the young couple became frustrated and became the subject of gossip. Many people rambled on that the couple had done something wrong, and that it had come back to the child. Under this kind of pressure, the child's mother suffered from depression, had taken the child into the river to commit suicide, fortunately, was found in time to save the family.

Then they heard about my grandmother, and they came with a dead horse mentality. Grandma after checking the child, lightly said: "The child did not lack what little what, the function is normal."

The husband laments, clapping his leg. "The problem is what he has too much of, Doctor Lin! I also know that this finger is not bad for health, but children grow up around people look at him, do not know what to say behind him. The boy is a freak everywhere. It is better not to live at all than to be hated and hated all his life!"

The wife said in frustration, "Doctor Lin, the boy is innocent, but the villagers have been gossiping about our family all day. Now we are afraid to go out. Sometimes really want a family together to drink pesticides to go, not in the world by this sin!"

Grandma looked at the sad look of the couple, especially when the mother, basically on the edge of collapse, and the child is still in their arms innocently playing with his fingers...

Grandma played with a piece of old jade, pondering for a moment, asked: "at the beginning of the child when did B ultrasound?"

The wife replied, "Yes."

The wife replied, "Yes." Grandma asked again: "B super show is how many children?"

The couple stared at each other, and the husband slowly opened his mouth: "At first, it seemed to be twins, but then the doctor said that one of them was too small, too weak, and would slowly be absorbed. The doctor said that this kind of situation is normal."

The wife nodded and said: "The birth of the time is a natural birth, this one child."

The grandmother went to touch the child's finger, looked at it for a moment, and said gravely: "It is possible to cure it, but it will greatly damage Yin virtue. You must be prepared to lose at least ten years of life."

Hearing this, the couple replied without hesitation or even with some surprise: "It doesn't matter. Even if we lose ten years of our lives, it's better than our children suffer a lifetime of pain! If it can be cured, you will be a great benefactor to our family."

Grandma looked grave and said nothing more. Then she let the family of three stay in a guest house in the village while she prepared.

A few days later, grandma closed the clinic, disappeared.

Some people say that they have seen her in the tombs in the back hills, where there are endless rows of tombs, many of which are hundreds of years old, and which are shrouded in mist all the year round and flicker with ghostly fires at night. It is such a gloomy place that even passing through it on a sunny day makes one shudder.

Witnesses said they thought they saw grandma collecting dew.

A few days later, grandma finally came back. Notice the couple come here after, she was very solemnly set a bowl of water to the couple and called her husband on the surface of three "raw" word, his wife on the surface of three "dead" word, and then give it to children, feed the child immediately after his face pale, began screaming and crying, crying out of breath and refused to stop, how parents are useless.

The frightened couple looked at their grandmother in alarm.

Grandma comforted them: "Never mind, let the child sleep a good sleep, I give him a prescription to help him sleep."

Husband and wife two people still back to the hostel to rest, the grandmother opened the tranquilizer soup fried out to feed the children. And the baby stopped making noise and went into a deep sleep.

But in a short time, the baby became hotter and hotter, burning like a lump of carbon. Anxious couple hurriedly ran to find grandma, grandma is still comfort them a few words, told them to wait for the child to wake up."

The boy slept for three days without food, and at first he had a fever, and then his temperature fell so cold that for a time it was as cold as death.

This one toss, can be imagined, the couple's mood is how uneasy suffering, the couple even suspected grandma is a liar, some villagers also saw the husband copy a brick to go to the clinic, look gloomy, after being shouted at, just threw the brick ran.

On the night of the third day, the couple was surprised to find that the child's extra fingers were "wilting"! The thick fingers looked like dried scallions, breaking at the touch, but the child did not respond, did not feel any pain.

Soon all the extra fingers were broken off without a wound, as if they had never existed!

The child also recovered smoothly, and as soon he woke up, he cried for his mother, he was hungry.

The couple went crazy with joy, jumping up and down and crying with joy. After comforting the baby, they rushed to thank grandma.

They moved to tears, not to kowtow to grandma, grandma was stopped.

"When you were pregnant with twins, a child was unfortunately stillborn, but a ray of its body remains in this child. It is also a fate that it can be reincarnated in your home. It refuses to go, and wants to be your child in another form. If you insist on 'governance', I can only collect the 'Meng Polu' from the tomb and send it away, but the shade debt of murder must be attributed to your parents."

The couple looked at each other, their expressions still determined.

The husband said gratefully, "Doctor Lin, as always, as long as the child can grow up like a normal person, we don't care what the cost is!"

The wife also nodded and said, "Originally there were two children, but now there is one child. Let's love one of them twice as much."

The couple said nothing but to express gratitude, grandma did not receive money other, and they felt very sorry, they said: "The ancient apricot forest spring warm, if you really want to thank me, I plant an apricot tree in this courtyard."

So, grandma in the hospital will be more than an apricot tree, now has grown very tall and lush, witness this legendary story, grandma's wonderful medical skills can also be seen.

However, even though grandma has mysterious medical skills, her life is full of regret because she did not heal two people, one is my grandfather, the other is me...