Strange disease coming

in the village is still acceptable conditions, my father's talent mediocre, failed to inherit the mantle of grandma, but accidentally found the business opportunity of medicine. He transformed a few acres of land into a greenhouse for medicinal materials, and planted polygonum, ginger and Clematis. Compared with crops, the price of medicinal materials was higher and more stable.

My parents worked hard to plant medicinal materials and built a two-story house. However, my grandmother did not like my father, who was obsessed with making money. Their relationship was strained, but my grandmother usually stayed in the clinic at the east end of the village, and they rarely saw each other during the day.

My grandparents were both named Lin, and they were said to be distant siblings. The tradition of witch doctors was inherited by my grandmother from another Lin family. At first she was going to teach my grandfather, but he didn't seem savvy enough to learn. In the end, my grandfather went on farming, and my grandmother, who was a patient in the doctor, became famous for her medical skill treatment.

When I was little, MY grandma was my favorite, for no other reason than she was nice to me.

My parents are busy always out of breath, their brows are always locked, they spend most of the dinner table talking about how we spend, trying to figure out the harvest and expenses, and lamenting that this year is bad again. In response to my respond, dad always waved impatiently and said, "Go away, the child knows nothing."

My grandfather is very cheerful and kind, but a little old urchin nature, especially love to make fun of me, as if to make fun of their own grandson is how proud of the thing like -- grandpa lied to me to eat pickles root, lied to me to poke a hornet's nest; Once he took me to pick mulberries and left me alone on a tree three meters high. When I cried, he only came out under the trees with a smile.

Several times after, I am not a fool, do not love to play with him, went to grandma's clinic, pestering grandma to tell me a story.

Grandma is always kind face, stomach as if there is endless story, tell all do not take the same, often let me immersed in it, forget time.

I often stayed in my grandmother's clinic from morning till night, and sometimes I was mischievous. I fought with dried scorpions and cicantas, and grabbed herbs and smashed them to make "poison". When MY grandmother found me, it was a lesson.

Once, the old man Wang of the village has a fever, be sent to see a doctor by his family member, at the edge of play of I casually came sentence: "drink Chai Hu soup hair sweat!"

A room full of grown-ups was so curious that they said I was a clever boy and can heal people!

My grandmother smiled. "He's just talking nonsense. Don't pay him any attention. Let me feel your pulse first."

After the feel, grandma really gave people to open chaihu soup, the adults said with a smile: "Really let the children said right, can ah, you are the successor to someone."

After the patient left, grandma asked me who taught me. I said proudly: "No one taught you, you usually give people look ill, fever is Chai Hu soup, cold is cassia twig soup, not difficult, I remember!"

Grandma smiled happily and touched my head. "Your little brain is quite clever, but a cold and a fever are not the same thing. They are not diseases, they are symptoms."

I asked, "Grandma, what are symptoms?"

Although I am young, grandma still very seriously to me about some lesions and disease distinction, finished asking me to understand?

I want to think, nod way: "understand understand! What you can see is disease, and what you can't see is disease!"

Grandma looked at me with a sudden expression of surprise. She did not speak for a long time. I had never seen her like this.

Did not expect this thing to my father's ears, my father also do not know how to think, come to a conclusion - that grandma is teaching me bad, indoctrinate some useless things.

He felt that this would delay the children's education, and was going to let me apply to a private kindergarten in the county.

Grandma heard, very angry, pestering crutches scold my father, angry head also said that he kind of medicinal materials are a lot of use of ripening agent, is in harm.

My dad got angry and said something offensive, ending the argument by saying, "My son doesn't need you."

My grandfather told my father that it was easy for children to be abducted and trafficked when they went to school in the county. My father, who was not very educated, actually did not care about where I went to school, so he gave it up.

So EVERY day I still pestered at grandma and listened to her stories, but the stories she told me changed from strange anecdotes to stories about Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, and Hua Tuo, the miraculous doctor.

After the life has been calm, until I was in the sixth grade primary school, grandpa suddenly fell ill!

He had a strange condition. Clumps of mushroom or ear-like granulates grew out of his neck, and when they were broken they bled, and when they were stopped they bled, and his whole body ached and itched as if countless ants had crawled over it.

Grandma decided that it was a dangerous infectious disease, cleaned up a clean room, and quarantined grandpa.

Grandma in the courtyard of a small coal stove with casserole medicine, holding the old pu fan, wrinkled cheeks were red with the fire reflected, her mouth read words, this is talking with medicinal materials, called "wish medicine", grandma said that the medicinal materials can better play the nature of medicine.

Metaphysical or not, grandma's concern for grandpa was genuine.

Can continue to drink a month still did not see better, I see grandpa every day to stay in the small room is too poor, anxiously asked grandma, why this medicine does not work.

Grandma sighed and said: "This medicine is not to deal with this disease, in fact, can only prevent the spread of the virus, at the same time to strengthen the body, let the disease itself."

I asked: "Strengthen the body, will the disease go away?"

Grandma explained: "Medicine, such as the use of troops, most of the time is not direct attack. Now, this tactic is called 'besieging cities for aid'. It means to contain the virus, cut off its supplies, and slowly consume it."

I suddenly said: "good fierce ah, still have this method!"

Grandpa's condition, though not cured, did not get worse. However, in the third month, my father gradually lost patience, accusing my grandmother's medicine did not work, and prepared to take grandpa to see western medicine, operate if grandpa have to..

He said petulantly, "Mom, don't stop me. The villagers are poking me in the back and saying I let father get sick!"

Grandma angrily took a stick to poke him, "Don't mess around! Give up now and all my work will be wasted! This is an epidemic, and many people will die if you mess with it!"

My father was as stubborn as a cow, choking his neck and saying defiantly: "How do you know it's infectious disease? Even if it is, who gave it to my dad? You don't have advanced equipment, so when you say it's an infectious disease, you believe those stupid medical books in your house. How stupid! I'll take my father to town tomorrow!"

Grandmother spirit shiver, roar way: "evil son, I should not give birth to you!"

Watching them quarrel, I was very sad, but did not know who to help.

This time my father recognized the truth, regardless of grandma's block, the next day is ready to take grandpa into town. But when I went to pick up my grandpa, he found that the door of the isolation room could not be opened. It was not locked.

My father was anxious, to take a sledgehammer ready to hit the door, then my grandmother arrived, standing in the doorway, dark, dignified expression warned him: "Don't move, otherwise injured is your own!"

"I must take my father away today. I don't believe it!"

Then my dad hit it with a hammer. The hammer fell on the wooden door, but it seemed to hit the iron plate. Like the bullet came back and popped out far away. My father immediately fell to the ground, hugging his leg and screaming, his face flushed.

After all is his son, grandma distressed to come over to show him the leg, my father put the leg a shrink, show his teeth to rage way: "you don't tube me, I go to the hospital myself!"

Although my mother urged him to do so, my father showed his determination by refusing treatment from my grandmother.

So, my mother can only call my uncle, with the tricycle originally prepared to send my grandpa to the city to see the disease, my father sent to the city orthopedics to cure, in fact, only need grandma gently rectify the bone, and then apply homemade ointment can be good, alas, this is the price of anger.

When my mother sent my father to see a doctor, my grandmother came to the wooden door and tore off a piece of paper from the upper door frame, and the door opened by itself.

Grandma went in and after a while I could hear her sobbing inside. My grandpa's weak voice came, but there was still warmth in it as he said, "Talk, don't blame the boy. He's worried about my illness, too. Wife, I know this illness well. If god wants to take it in, I don't care it..."

Grandma, who had never shown much emotion, began to cry even more bitterly. I, who was hiding under the window, was heartbroken...