Grandpa on the shore

One is sick, the whole family suffers. Because grandpa's illness, the pressure of the family is very large.

Mom and dad are more and more sad, grandma's hair has become whiter, and some dirty idlers in the village chew their tongues, saying that grandma can cure any disease at ordinary times, but her husband can't cure it, isn't it intentional?

I asked my grandma: "grandpa why get sick?"

Grandma opened her mouth, began to speak, but finally sighed, "Oh, God is punishing me..."

"Punishment? Why?"

"Because I saved his life too many people."

I listen to understand, how to save more punishment?

But see grandma didn't want to say that, there isn't ask it.

In the fifth month of grandpa's illness, the weather became hotter and hotter, and grandpa could not stand it. There was a sad groan in the hut, which was very sad. Once he really did not want to suffer from the pain, was planning to steal the pesticide at home, grandma learned that after scolding him, so that he must not have the idea of giving up.

Suddenly came to the summer vacation, grandpa but the strain, is not really became seriously ill, actually grandma medicine soup has been effectively curbed the development of the disease, but a man lying in the small room for several months, "grandpa, has not been able to withstand in spirit, just lie is not willing to communicate with people every day, more shut oneself.

Due to long on the granulation, grandpa can only wear loose clothes in particular, due to the many times of washing clothes efflorescence, looking in through the window far he depressed that you lie down there, like a mental patients be locked up, call a person heart is sour.

One afternoon, I went to the river to catch the grasshopper, I suddenly heard some voice, I casually asked, "who?"

That action immediately disappeared, twist a head to see nobody.

But as soon as I looked away, the grass behind me rang again, which was very strange.

I think this is who is near to scare me? Just walked over a look through grass.

Not far away, there's a familiar figure came into my eyes, he was wearing a old but clean blue pajamas, a head of white hair comb very neat, is my grandpa! Half a year for the first meet him tidy up, so finish, I thought he was recovered, happy and called out, "grandpa! You yesterday?"

Grandfather slowly turned and looked at me - was still pale, but the most surprising is that his eyes was a blank, it scared me a big surprise!

Around a piece of quiet, cicadas in the distance interminably, the wine in the hot sun from the sky, I look at the eyes grandpa, is a big summer, unexpectedly feel neck after waves to move narrative, scalp hemp.

Always smiling to me grandpa at this time also did not have any expression, wrinkles on the face of a very clear, some unnatural, as if wearing a realistic mask.

I could not help but back a step, timidly asked: "Grandpa, you are not lying down? How oneself come out? Does my dad know?"

Grandpa did not answer, suddenly strode toward me, toward my head put out a hand, with his action, I smell his body like a dead rat smell, and he raised his hand, I saw the tight clothes under the armpit, oozing a trace of blood...

I screamed and ran!

Grandpa ran after me. He didn't look sick at all. He lunged forward and tore off one of my shoes.

I could not help but look back and see grandpa expressionless to get up, the ground gravel embedded in his rubbery face, even stuck to his eyes, but he did not blink!

Fear filled my heart, my mind was blank, all I knew was to run for dear life.

I ran on the dirt road, no shoes on the right foot was scratched by the stones on the ground did not feel pain, grandpa in hot pursuit behind me, at first is normal running, then he actually four limbs to the ground, wide open to run, like a human beast!

As I approached the village, I finally saw two villagers and shouted "Help! Help!" at them.

The two men looked over in surprise, and one of them asked, "Miao Miao, why are you running like crazy? Your shoes? My feet are covered in blood!"

He reached out and pulled me back. I was struggling hysterically. "Back... Behind..."

"What's back there?"

I nervously looked back, not by stupefied - just like a monster crazy chasing my grandfather I do not know when, has disappeared...

Now my foot hurt so badly that the sole of my right foot was almost bloody and I started to cry.

One of the villagers asked me, "Miaomiao, what did you see?"

I was still in shock and mumbled, "Saw my grandfather..."

I suddenly fluke to think: is grandpa in mischief, deliberately frighten me to play?

The person who asked me looked suspicious: "Nonsense, your grandfather is sick, lying at home?"

"I saw him by the river just now," I said. "His eyes were white and frightening."

The two men looked at each other and walked me home.

As SOON as I entered the house, I heard waves of crying, the kind you hear at a funeral. The yard was full of relatives.

My uncle was standing at the door, putting white cloth on the arms of each of his relatives.

Uncle saw me, I blame: "Miao Miao, where did you go crazy, your grandfather lost..."

"What?" I thought, "What do you mean, my grandfather ran away?"

"Stop talking! " My mother came over with red eyes and grabbed me. "Grandpa died... Huh? Where are your shoes? How did your foot bleed? Who did it?"

I looked around to see if the two villagers who had brought me back had thought of what I had said. Their faces turned pale with fear.

My mother thought they bully me, ready to scold, I hurriedly said: "Not is not, just I saw grandpa in the river, grandpa chased me, I ran away the shoes."

"What nonsense are you talking!" My mother was so angry that she hit me on the palm of my hand.

My uncle said: "Miao Miao, your grandfather always been in the house, an hour ago no, hurry with your mother into the house!"

My mother pulled me into the room. I saw my grandfather lying straight in the cabin, his face covered with a piece of white cloth, and he was wearing a straight blue tunic. My father, my aunt and my second uncle were crying loudly, and the radio was broadcasting deep sadness.

Inside the main room, grandma sat at the table in a daze. Her eyes were red and she was clutching a wet handkerchief as if she had been crying.

When she saw me, she sobbed and asked, "How did Miao Miao come back so soon? What happened to the foot?"

My mother patted me and said, "He's running off somewhere, raving and losing his shoes. Look at those feet, bloody and broken!"

I felt wronged, loudly said: "No, I really saw grandpa in the river, he chased me, I was scared to run away the shoes!"

"You talk nonsense! ?" My mother lowered her voice to a furious rebuke. "What's going on at home? Have you no heart?"

I face injustice, the in the mind also inexplicable feel strange, how can appear two grandpa? They were dressed alike, one lying in the house, the other lounging by the river...

Grandma frowned at the words and asked my mother not to scold me. She took gauze and ointment to deal with the injury of my foot -- the bottom of my right foot was mangled.

Grandma patiently asked me what I had witnessed. Seeing that grandma was willing to believe me, I felt warm and quickly told her exactly what I had seen.

My mother hear straight shake head: "mother, don't listen to his nonsense, his feet get rotten also make up some nonsense!"

"I didn't," I protested loudly. "I did see!"

My mother angrily raised her hand, "lie again to beat your mouth!"

I grievance extremely, point to heel of injury, "I have no I have no! You see, I was here or grandpa caught broken!"

Grandma a shock, look some wrong, "what? Grandpa scratched you?"

My mother wanted to interrupt again, grandma said forcefully: "You don't talk! Miao Miao, say it!"

I pointed to the wound. "Grandpa tried to grab me, so I ran. He jumped forward and knocked my shoe off and scratched a piece of my skin."

Grandma examined my wounds carefully, then grabbed my wrist with such force that I almost cried out.

She carefully help me pulse for a while, then look sad said: "you go to the clinic with me first!"

See grandma's face serious, I was a little afraid, "no, grandma, I don't hurt..."

Grandma shook her head. "This is no joke. Hurry up!"

My mother was also frightened by grandma, quickly asked my uncle to carry me, followed grandma to the clinic.

All the way I was thinking back, the more I thought, the more afraid -- is the river grandfather... Ghost! ?

Although I have just graduated from primary school, I have heard many stories about ghosts. But how can a ghost appear in broad daylight and hurt people? It doesn't make any sense!

Came to the clinic, uncle rushed back, funeral matters.

Grandma took down a dozen medicine packages from the shelf, opened them one by one, and skillfully mixed the prescriptions. Soon a casserole pot was half filled, and she went to the courtyard to fill some well water and began to fry the medicine.

Grandma took a pill and gave it to me. It was so big that it felt bigger than my throat. I shook my head and didn't want to eat it.

Grandma looked at me seriously and said, "Miao Miao is obedient. Do you want to get sick like grandpa?"

I had to chew the pill and swallow it with water, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

I was afraid to ask: "Grandma, I was scratched by grandpa, is it infected with his kind of disease? Won't i get infected if i take the medicine?"

Grandma didn't answer, but her face was sad.

She suddenly turned her face and shouted angrily out of the window, "If you take revenge on me, don't touch my family!"